On Friday, September 18th, President López Obrador inexplicably started laughing at a report of 45 massacres this year in the country, published by newspaper Reforma. The question is: What is so funny? Is AMLO laughing at the victims and their families?
Mexican ex-president José López Portillo has been attributed with the legendary phrase: “I don’t pay them to attack me” (no les pago para que me peguen). This phrase summarizes what has been the toxic relationship of the press with political power in Mexico for almost a century.
The rulers in Mexico have always thought that just for the fact of having that position they should be “respected” (should we say venerated) by everyone, starting with the media. The media, in turn, have received this threat in different ways. Some hardening their position, in defense of independence and freedom, others surrendering to the wishes and whims of the ruler.

Finally, the exalted ones know that they have the club in their hands and can use it as they please. Although it is not always effective because of those who understand their profession and respect it will endure. The attacks, the “punishments”, the diatribes of the ruler are things for which a journalist must prepare himself from his university stage.
If we talk about presidents in Mexico, almost all of them started their professional life convinced that they want to help the people, that is projecting them in their career, they advance, they win elections. The moment they reach the top position they seem to forget those precepts. They assume they are perfect, they become megalomaniacs (ideas of greatness and do not hesitate to lie or manipulate to achieve their ends), they want everyone to be at their feet, and from the presidential chair, they try to control the situation, in order to consolidate their dominance over the people who have just chosen them.
Every morning, Andrés Manuel López Obrador wants to set up the agenda with his daily “mañanera” press conference. And he says that certain media (such as Reforma) has the intention of destroying his credibility, of shutting him up the wrong way. And of course, the published stories do not suit AMLO’s patriarchal interests.
AMLO doesn’t want reality to be talked about. Typical story of someone who sees a pimple on his face and, instead of looking for a solution, breaks the mirror. But from being crushing so much an opposite effect is achieved. The attacked is strengthened and the “bully” begins to make mistakes. And that is what happened on Friday, September 18th, when AMLO looked very bad when he laughed at a report of 45 massacres this year in the country, published by Reforma.

What is so funny about a massacre? Is AMLO laughing at the victims and their families? Families, that belong to the social sector that continues to blindly believe in him? Or was it a nervous laugh when he is faced with reality, and he realizes his inability and incapacity to make good decisions?
AMLO’s laugh is disturbing. The “Tlatoani” (Aztec Emperor) is in trouble. He appears to have quite severe cognitive dissonance.
The Country is in mourning, with 75 thousand people have been killed by Covid-19, homicides continue on the rise (although Public Security Secretary Alfonso Durazo says different), the family economy is in a tailspin, children with cancer are dying due to lack of medicine and Lopez Obrador laughs in public.
If he was not the President of Mexico, we could say that his behavior is the typical conduct of a sociopath.
Source: milenio.com, elfinanciero.com