Entrepreneurs in Oaxaca move forward with the digital reactivation of its economy


External shocks in economic analysis are unforeseen circumstances and whose duration and effects are difficult to predict. The long-term prospects for a region or country suddenly change. They stop time and, to the economic valuations, they add the political, social and even ethical ones. Some shocks, such as the Covid-19 pandemic that we face, are very difficult to anticipate. They arrive, change the world, and pose a huge challenge to the leaders who stand up to them. Their height is measured by what they can do to overcome them as time progresses. Ignoring the circumstances they impose is the worst mistake in a battle that requires intelligence, strategy and determination.

In this context, holding the Digital Encounter Connecting Entrepreneurs in Oaxaca 2020 is —in addition to a wise decision— an encouragement for those who should be the engine of the national economy: entrepreneurs. In what represents an insignia of his government: the promotion of an atmosphere conducive to entrepreneurship and innovation, Governor Alejandro Murat Hinojosa presented to Mexicans this platform that was held last Thursday and Friday. Despite the difficult times we face, our president pointed out that entrepreneurs are capable of facing challenges and taking risks due to their ability to create. They and they are the ones who feed the dreams of others while realizing theirs,

It should be remembered that Connecting Entrepreneurs arose from the commitment to create a favorable environment for doing business that from day one has characterized the government of Master Alejandro Murat. Precisely because of the conflictive conditions that prevailed until 2016, our state was constantly pointed out as a place of contradictions: on the one hand, of enormous resources to be used, including its human capital; but, on the other hand, low capacities to channel talent, abandonment and clumsiness to articulate value chains. In the era of the knowledge economy, the Governor’s project put those who promote micro-enterprises at the center, by involving them in a triple helix dynamic in which, in addition to the government, the academic sector and the private sector participate.

This meeting that in previous editions has packed the Oaxaca Convention Center is developed jointly by the Oaxacan Institute of Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness (IODEMC), the Anahuac University of Oaxaca, and Citibanamex Social Development. In 2019, the influx grew twice as much as in 2018, and if it had not been for the pandemic and the social distancing measures it imposes, surely 2020 would have maintained this growth trend. However, holding this important meeting in digital version is worthy of recognition, because in this way Oaxaca demonstrates to the rest of the country’s states that – in the midst of the economic reactivation – there is talent and will on the part of hundreds of people who want to undertake some business and go to a space for the exchange of experiences valuable for its mission and scope.

In addition, it is still valuable that this digital version of CEO 2020 conceptualizes neo-entrepreneurs as those responsible for reforming and reactivating future communities, belonging to a generation that is aware of the importance of reducing inequality and working for care in the environment. In other words, it is a meeting that is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda, which seeks to achieve an international balance in favor of social inclusion, economic growth, and environmental sustainability. As Vanessa González, director of Fomento Social Banamex, pointed out at the time, few events as CEOs propose to be a hotbed of companies with high-quality exhibitors and a social focus.

A protagonist of the CEO 2020 and the change of vision that our state is experiencing is Master Yoani Rodríguez, Rector of the Universidad Anáhuac Oaxaca, who also accompanied us this week in one of our virtual ICAPET trainings. Master Yoani presented the theme with great professionalism and simplicity: “In times of confinement: Challenges for schools, families and students.” Through her lucid presentation we learned that the educational challenges in the new normal do not depend only on teachers, but that we parents must motivate our daughters and sons and actively participate in their formation. This message of integrality runs through all educational levels, because in a time of great distractions, learning should be encouraged by everyone at home.

On the other hand, in this important week for innovation and entrepreneurship in Oaxaca, I must acknowledge my friend Rodrigo Rojas, Head of the National Council for the Standardization and Certification of Labor Skills, CONOCER, who is in charge of the National Skills System. By also participating with ICAPET, he clearly stated the benefits that Oaxacan companies can obtain by certifying their employees and that it seems to me that in these times of economic reactivation these are objectives shared by the private sector. Certifying dignifies workers because it recognizes the skills they already had or acquired through training, contributes to improving their income and fosters labor mobility.

As a fortuitous coincidence, in the same digital week, entrepreneurship, educational solutions and certification converged. Rightly, the discussion and idea exchange panels at the Oaxaca 2020 CEO were called “Voices of the Future”; The premise was the following: “In 2020 our world was transformed, the future arrived and now we want to make a new one, but where do we start?” After five months of pandemic, solutions and routes are being projected from Oaxaca. Our state is positioned as a center of talent and innovation for the future. The conclusion can only be one: No virus is going to stop the power of dreams that under the Oaxacan sky always expand their horizons.

Source: nssoaxaca.com

The Oaxaca Post