The use of a QR code is needed for tourists entering San Miguel de Allende


The code is generated by establishments with a reservation system and delivered to their customers. The provision was approved as an addendum to the Protocols for Reopening

San Miguel de Allende.- Tourists must have a code called QR to justify their entry to this municipality.

The code is generated by establishments with a reservation system and delivered to their customers.

The measure was approved this Monday by the plenary session of the City Council to “reinforce the actions that keep San Miguel de Allende as a #DestinoEjemplar, with one of the lowest rates of infections by Covid-19 “.

The provision was approved in the LXI Ordinary Session as an addition to the Protocols for the Reopening of Economic Activities in the municipality. “Hotels, restaurants, event organizers and all establishments that operate a reservation system will generate this QR Code and send it to the visitor.”

In the sanitary filters for entering the municipality, personnel assigned by the authority will scan the code to check that it is in the database of the “enclosure in question” and that visitors are allowed access after verifying the temperature and the use of passenger masks, determined the council.

“The objective of these actions is to maintain San Miguel de Allende as a safe tourist destination, always at the forefront with measures that prioritize the health and life of San Miguel,” he said.


San Miguel Post