Mazatlan open brothels, but not dance academies or party halls


* More than a thousand businesses closed

* Canaco for the total reopening

There are businesses that are brothels and are open, but there are other businesses that are closed due to different problems, including bars, dance academies and party halls because the health protocols have not come out, recognized the leader of Canaco-Servytur, Jesús Sandoval. He said there are more than a thousand businesses closed.

In the interview, the commercial leader indicated that some party halls have delivered the protocols, but “I don’t know what the authority expects to give everyone the green light; it is time that everyone could have the opportunity to open (the shops) ”.

He said that in Canaco they are for the economic reactivation of business in general; that everyone can open and those who do not comply with the protocols, that they close; That is our position, Sandoval emphasized.

He reiterated that everyone have the opportunity to reopen because behind many of those businesses there are lost jobs; people need their jobs.

He reported that there are many businesses that have not reopened such as nightclubs, gyms, bars, party halls, among others.


The Mazatlan Post