A federal judge revoked the accusations made by the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) against businessman Alonso Ancira for his alleged involvement in the Agronitrogenados case.
Ancira is the owner of Altos Hornos de México (AHMSA), the company that sold the fertilizer plant to Pemex. Moreover, prosecutors argue the Mexican businessman bribed former Pemex chief Emilio Lozoya so he would approve the operation to purchase the plant.
The FGR charged Alonso Ancira with money laundering and asked Spain to extradite him to Mexico.
A judge based in Chiapas granted a writ of injunction to Ancira because he argued the money laundering charges against the businessman have prescribed.

In his verdict, the judge ordered authorities to dismiss the charges against the businessman.
This means the arrest warrant issued against Alonso Ancira is no longer valid.
Ancira is currently in Spain, where he was placed under home arrest while he awaits his extradition trial.
Alonso Ancira’s extradition
In May, Spain’s National Audience decided to approve Alonso Ancira’s extradition to Mexico.
In a legal document released on May 27, María Riera Ocariz notified the public prosecutor and all parties involved that Spain will turn the businessman to Mexican authorities over fraud and corruption charges.
Although the Mexican businessman’s defense team argued that the crimes had prescribed and that Ancira was the victim of political persecution, the Spanish judges decided that Ancira must be extradited to Mexico.

Ancira’s lawyer can resort to Spain’s National Court but in case the decision is confirmed, the Spanish government, through the Council of Ministers, will finally approve turning Ancira to Mexican authorities.
Ancira was released on bail after paying €1 million and was forbidden from leaving Spain.
Spanish police arrested Ancira on May 28, 2019, at the Palma de Mallorca Airport in compliance with an international arrest warrant issued by the Mexican government due to alleged fraud and corruption crimes.
Back in July 2019, Ancira rejected his extradition to Mexico and pled not guilty.
Mexican authorities issued the arrest warrant against Ancira due to the alleged irregular transfers from AHMSA’s bank accounts to offshore companies linked to the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht and former Pemex chief Emilio Lozoya.
A few weeks ago, a judge bound Emilio Lozoya over for trial for carrying out transactions involving illegally obtained resources; however, the former Pemex chief wasn’t imprisoned.
The federal judge determined that the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) provided enough evidence to presume that Lozoya Austin laundered money obtained through the purchase of Agronitrogenados, a fertilizer, which resulted in the loss of MXN 8,000 million for Pemex.
During the hearing, prosecutors accused the former Pemex chief of money laundering in connection with the purchase of fertilizer plant Agronitrogenados. According to authorities, Emilio Lozoya used bribe money to purchase a luxurious home in Mexico City. The case also involves his sister Gilda Lozoya Austin and businessman Alonso Ancira.
Lawyer Miguel Ontiveros said the Lozoya Austin himself asked for a plea bargain in a bid to “speak the truth, tell the truth, and finally have justice.”

During his first hearing, Emilio Lozoya’s said he had been “used” by “an organized apparatus of power” during his tenure at the head of the state-owned company from 2012 to 2016.
Lozoya did not identify that group, but the wording appeared to suggest he was ready to spill the beans on top officials in the administration of President Enrique Peña Nieto.
According to an informal synopsis of the session provided by the court system, Lozoya’s lawyers said they would not argue against the prosecution’s request to the judge that Lozoya is bound over for trial on money-laundering charges.
Sources said Lozoya agreed to cooperate with prosecutors and will act as a protected witness in return for possible sentence reductions or elimination of charges.
Source: El Universal