Environmental actions are strengthened with the reforestation of 2,000 trees in Escuinapa, Sinaloa


The start of the reforestation campaign was carried out on Francisco I. Madero street, along the train tracks-

Escuinapa, Sinaloa (August 14, 2020) .- The Municipal Government of Escuinapa began a reforestation campaign, which aims to plant 2,000 trees, with which it intends to address the forest damage left by Hurricane Willa in the municipality.

Emmett Soto Grave, municipal president of Escuinapa led this environmental action and was accompanied by Mateo Palomares Baes, in charge of Ecology; and José Guadalupe Ríos Rodríguez, director of Public Works and Services.

On Thursday, August 13th, 200 neem, black olive, and amapa trees were planted on Francisco I. Madero street.

“The municipality needs many more trees. It must be remembered that as a consequence of Hurricane Willa, Escuinapa lost many native trees, so the purpose is to plant more than two thousand trees. We already started on Francisco I Madero street, with 200 trees and we are going to distribute the rest across the municipality, ”said Soto Grave.

“Reforestation will also extend to rural areas as it is important that an environmental culture is instilled and that citizens carry out reforestation and tree care actions since problems such as global warming and lack of rainfall have been registered. Hence the importance of promoting to new generations a culture of caring for the environment”, the mayor of Escuinapa concluded.

Source: Debate

The Mazatlan Post