In recent years, Puerto Vallarta has distinguished itself as one of the safest cities in the country. It has always remained in the ‘top ten’ of the nation where people feel safe, according to the public surveys of Urban Public Security (ENSU) carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI).

The Mayor of Puerto Vallarta, Arturo Dávalos Peña, reminded tourists of the city’s safety while also regretting the recent events in the Fluvial Vallarta subdivision, where a group of tourists from Guanajuato was attacked by a criminal cell, and one of them lost his life, while others four others were kidnapped.

kidnapped tourist

The mayor said that these types of violent events are not very frequent in the city, so the State Prosecutor’s Office is investigating, in coordination with the Guanajuato Prosecutor’s Office, to determine what happened and find the alleged perpetrators.

The Mayor reiterated that Puerto Vallarta is still a safe city, and invited tourists from all corners of the country to visit the destination, complying with the established health protocols in place for the coronavirus pandemic.

The Mayor took the opportunity to remind tourists to maintain a healthy distance and using masks, which have been made mandatory in the State, but little enforcement has been done in Puerto Vallarta, where the virus continues to spread.

“We are in a safe city, a quiet city, a city that is recovering because we live from tourism, and I think that the economy is progressing little by little. Jobs are already being created, our beautiful beaches, our rivers, the beautiful green mountains wait for tourism. Come to Puerto Vallarta, we await you with open arms, here is a safe city,” reiterated Mayor Dávalos Peña.

He indicated that there is excellent coordination with the different security, State and Federal police, Army, Navy, National Guard, and Investigative Police, to guarantee the tranquility of residents and visitors.

He also recalled that on Mondays of each week the members of the regional security table of the north coast meet to analyze and evaluate the statistics of criminal incidents in the region, as well as coordinate actions and strategies, always seeking to improve security for everyone.

Source: vallartadaily.com

The Mazatlan Post