“Minor Earthquakes” reported in Oaxaca and Chiapas this morning


July 28th 2020

The telluric movements are around 4.0 degrees of intensity and occurred in the last twelve hours, reported the National Seismological.

OAXACA, Oaxaca.- This morning, the National Seismological announced that the report of a couple of “minor earthquakes”

The telluric movements are around 4.0 degrees of intensity and occurred in the last twelve hours.

One of them was recorded 20 km from the Southeast of Crucecita, Oaxaca and was 4.2.

While in Chiapas, within the municipality of Cintalapa, another 3.9 took place.

You can also follow the seismicity reports on the Twitter account @SSNMexico

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Source: ssn.unam.mx

The Oaxaca Post