During the third debate for the Presidency, Meade assured that López Obrador would leave Mexico in unemployment and poverty

Mexico. Users on social networks put on-trend the former presidential candidate, José Antonio Meade Kuribreña. This, because they remembered that in one of the debates as an applicant, he assured that Andrés Manuel López Obrador would lead Mexico to poverty and unemployment.
It turns out that in the third debate to the Presidential Chair held on June 12, 2018, Meade assured that if López Obrador arrived at the National Palace, the economy of Mexico would go down.
«We have already seen this film in 130 countries, this film in those 130 countries, it always ends badly, it ends with poverty and unemployment. To do what Andrés Manuel says, those who are listening to us, are going to face, first unemployment and an increase in poverty of 30 percent, “said Kuribreña.
The candidate’s statements by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), came after the current executive gave his plan in economic matters.
According to López Obrador, some of the points of his strategy consist of fighting corruption and strengthening the internal market. For this reason, he argued his support for the Mexican countryside.
Finally, other of his proposals consisted of maintaining the price of gasoline, the austerity plan, and the non-increase in taxes.
They point out that during the López Obrador administration there is a suffocating anti democratic climate
Intellectuals propose the creation of a block that serves as a counterweight to the actions of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador “to accelerate the demolition of the State”, in the face of the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic and historic murder rates.

Through a public letter entitled ” Against authoritarian drift and for the defense of democracy” , a group of intellectuals, made up of historians, specialists in the field of health, writers and literary critics, point out that during the López administration Obrador lives a climate of suffocation.
“There is a climate of suffocation of the pluralism of representation for the sake of subjecting the Legislative Power to the dictates of the Executive.”

Likewise, they assure that President López Obrador has been concentrating in his hands the power of the government to the detriment of the other powers of the State and the entities of the Federation.
“It polarizes society into artificial camps, discredits the authority of specialized bodies such as the INE and attacks all forms of expression that are not identified with its political vision,” the letter states.
Source: contrapesociudadano.com,