Operations are refined for the tourist reactivation of Mazatlan


Mazatlan.- The municipal government preparing an operation for the tourist reactivation of Mazatlan, where in addition to surveillance and security for local citizens and tourists on beaches, boardwalk and tourist areas, it will seek to carry it out within the sanitary protocols that must be followed observing citizens in general.

Cerraran playas de Altata por aglomeración de bañistas. - Sinaloahoy

This Tuesday a meeting was held in which the coordinator of these actions by the Municipality, Astrid Macías Fregoso, who is the director of Capta, discussed together with the headlines of the Ministry of Public Security and Municipal Traffic, Civil Protection, Operator of Beaches, Subdirectorate of Commerce, and Aquatic Salvage Squadron the strategies that will be carried out.

In addition, he said, a joint effort will be established with the State Tourism Secretariat, the National Guard, the Mexican Army, the Secretary of the Navy and the GN Division of Roads.

The area of ​​action will be the 22 kilometers of beach, boardwalk, Isla de la Piedra, and tourist areas.

Astrid Macías, highlighted that in the coordinated work that is going to be implemented within the framework of the national strategy for the return of the “new normal”, citizen participation and collaboration is essential.

He added that the behavior of those attending the beaches and tourist areas will be permanently evaluated, in order to adapt the operation and that Mazatlan gradually resumes all its activities.

Crowds on beaches will not be allowed: SECTUR.

There will not be allowed to be an agglomeration of people on the beaches of Mazatlan, work has already started for three weeks so that the same thing does not happen as in Altata, said the state secretary of Tourism, Oscar Pérez Barros.

He stressed that this is what they have been doing in Mazatlan, working on the protocols and how they are going to act so that there are no crowds of people in the beach area.

The state official said that for three weeks he has been working with municipal authorities looking at all the details since Mazatlan represents 80 percent of the influx.

Pérez Barros indicated that what happened this weekend in Altata will serve as an experience.

“That it serves us as experience, the same thing happened to us as at Easter, in those directions, that it serves us as experience and we take actions when it opens in an uncoordinated way we are already talking, actions were taken and obviously it will not return to we are going to coordinate in the best way from the first of July ”.

He explained that the agglomeration of people in the Altata beach area has already been noted and even some areas have been closed and measures have been taken for next week and obviously it had already been planned so that it does not happen here on the beaches of Mazatlan where the greatest number of people is concentrated.

Source: radioformulamazatlan.com, pmxportal.com

The Mazatlan Post