Video: Caborca Sonora on fire, residents cry, “This isn’t Mexico, it’s Afghanistan!”


At least 12 dead left the “war” in Caborca, Sonora

The lifeless bodies of at least 12 men, who had bullet wounds, were located this Saturday on the Caborca-Sonoyta interstate highway 

10 bodies thrown on side of the road

These subjects are presumed to have been deprived of liberty by armed commandos who clashed for several hours in the city of Caborca, located in the northern desert of Sonora. Elements of the National Guard and Federal Police cordoned off the area at kilometer 115.

Tras enfrentamientos, investigan muertes en Caborca, Sonora, El ...

Videos circulating on social networks show armed groups and shootings allegedly occurred at midnight on Friday, according to El Universal. 
An armed confrontation between criminal gangs, at midnight on Friday, June 19, kept the inhabitants of Caborca under fire; The fire of a gas station, homes, and several cars, according to El Universal.

Sonora Cartel War

Residents of this municipality, of around 60 thousand inhabitants, located in the desert 282 kilometers from the capital of Hermosillo, reported up to one hundred vehicles with armed men early on.

Since the afternoon, shootings were noticed on social networks in the rural area of Caborca, and on the coast in the areas of Puerto Libertad and Puerto Lobos, as well as in the vicinity of the neighboring municipality of Pitiquito.

Through videos, a long convoy of armed men were shown that circulated in the opposite direction on Sixth Street and minutes later the violence broke out. Loud sounds were produced by heavy caliber firearms and an explosion. Some videos of a gas station and a truck tract and several burning vehicles were published on social networks. The inhabitants of Caborca requested the intervention of elements of the Mexican Army, the National Guard, the State Police and the Municipal Police, but they did not arrive.

Caborca shooting mistaken identity, university professor of 21 years, taken from his home, interrogated and killed, the real target was a few meters away.
RIP Prof. Sergio Arredondo Arriaga (above)

Vehicle fires

Gunfire sounds

One convoy after the clash with “X” marked on the vehicles

It was confirmed that the journalist Raymundo Quiroz Salas, owner of the digital newspaper El Aduanal, was kidnapped by members of an armed command while covering the confrontations; He returned 40 minutes latersafe and sound and only the cell phone was taken from him.

Reymundo Quiroz Salas -

With support from a helicopter of the State Police, they conducted patrols by air, also by land in neighboring towns to the city to reassure the inhabitants of this region.

Given the facts, the Coordination Table reiterated the call to citizens to collaborate against crime by reporting any suspicious activity or person to the 9-1-1 emergency line or anonymously to 089, which will be attended to immediately.

According to data from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System ( SESNSP) the battle for control of the territory during the months of March and April (the first months of confinement because of the COVID-19) has been accentuated in 10 entities of the Country: Guanajuato, Michoacán, State of Mexico, Chihuahua, Baja California, Jalisco, Mexico City, Guerrero, Veracruz, and Sonora.

At the end of last year , Sonora was the scene of one of the most violent episodes that have been experienced in Mexico in recent years.

The 4 of November of 2019, members of the organized crime assassinated to three women and six children belonging to the Lebaron family, in an intricate part of the Sierra Madre Occidental in the vicinity of the community of La Mora, municipality of Bavispe, at the end northeast of the state of Sonora and very close to its limits with that of Chihuahua.

The massacre caused a stir not only in Mexico but in the world. Even US President Donald Trump threatened to classify as terrorists to Mexican cartels, which did not happen after a series of lobbying led by Mexican Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard.

Source:, borderland,

The Mazatlan Post