It is official, Mazatlan reopening of beaches and hotels will be at the same time


Jun 21, 2020

Next Tuesday it will be defined if such opening will be on July 1 or on another date

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Although there is no exact or specific date, it is sought that in the next few days the beaches will be open to the public, simultaneously with the hotels, informed the Secretary of Tourism in Sinaloa, Óscar Pérez Barros.

Vengo a aplicar lo que me ha funcionado': Óscar Pérez Barros ...

“The tourist offer has to be opened with hotels, and the idea is to open the tourist sector, the tourist centers and also the beaches, obviously with protocols,” said the state official.

Listen to the statement here:

The head of SECTUR pointed out that this reactivation is intended to happen on July 1, although this will depend on the contagion curve of COVID-19 in the entity, therefore, he said that it will be on Tuesday, June 23 when they announce officially.

02 04 Closed Beaches Covid-19 Coronavirus Beaches without people Beaches alone

“We are preparing for a possible reopening on July 1; Depending on the curve, we will analyze next Tuesday to see how the curve has behaved and to see when we can make it official, but we are preparing to be ready on July 1 and with all the intentions that we can open. I cannot assure you, but the entire tourism sector is focused on July 1, ”he said.


The Mazatlan Post