The fish that “announces” earthquakes and tsunamis appears in Cozumel


Macheto Snap Cozumel Suft shared the capture of the oarfish on Facebook.

Fishermen from Cozumel Island boasted in their social media accounts that they had caught an oarfish or sablefish, although it is unclear whether it was caught or was found floating on the surface.

This marine organism, whose scientific name is Regalecus glesne, can live a thousand meters below the surface of the sea and according to fishermen consulted about its presence on the island, this is very rare.

In Japanese culture, it is associated with the prediction of a tsunami or earthquake.

Brenda Hernández Hernández, Biologist and Master of Science, disagreed about the rarity of their presence in the waters of the island since she assures that on two occasions she has had encounters with them during her forays into the Cozumel marine area.

The oarfish is silver in color and its presence is common in most of the temperate zones of the oceans and tropical areas of the world. It can measure up to 17 meters long in adulthood and weigh up to 270 kilos.

According to the Florida Museum website, this fish has no commercial value due to the poor quality of the meat, and although it has the capacity to live a thousand meters deep, it is known to regularly inhabit 200 to 300 meters.

The first to upload the images to social networks were Macheto Snap Cozumel Suft, who placed two photographs and a video of the specimen at the time of its capture.

Later Juan Carlos Martin Gaeta, who in his account identifies as a Marine Biologist Aquaculture graduate from the University of Marine Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico, posted a photo on his wall in which he is seen posing with the Regalecus glesne about 4.5 meters long.


The Mazatlan Post