Video of tourist arriving in Los Cabos false it’s still closed to tourist, but foreign homeowners have begun to arrive


May 31, 2020

Villa Group has only received villa owners: Los Cabos Hotel Association

The video circulating on social media is not about hotel guests; Los Cabos is still closed as a tourist destination.

Opiniones y Testimonios de Clientes | The Villa Group Resorts

Mauricio Pérez Salicrup president of the Board of Directors of the Los Cabos Hotel Association (AHLC) through an interview, explained the video posted on social networks where it was stated at first, the opening and reception of customers to a hotel in destiny.


The images correspond to the arrival of unit owners within the “Villa Group” tourist consortium and this was clarified by the author of the video, which was severely disseminated on Facebook and other social networks. The AHLC representative stated, Los Cabos continues to receive international flights and is a means of transport by which owners of villas, houses, apartments, etc. arrive and leave, who, for obvious reasons, cannot be prohibited from using of their real estate, even if they are within a tourist development.

“The one who uploaded the video to the networks has already clarified it. Through a note, he reported that he was excited to see the owners of the villas arrive at his property. I want to clarify that we have to take into account that the destination was never closed to international destinations and we have three daily flights; Although the planes come practically empty, the people who travel in them have houses and apartments in Los Cabos and they cannot be denied entry because they own it. ”

Villa La Estancia

“Let’s remember that Villa Group has Villa La Estancia, which is a product that practically all are villas and are not hotels. Those who live there are owners and the same happens with some units of Villa del Arco, ”continued Mauricio Pérez Salicrup.

Villa del Arco

He regretted that information is confused on social networks, but he appreciates that whoever broadcast the video, is the one who clarifies what is observed there. He reiterated that the Los Cabos Hotel Association respects “to the letter” what the Health Security Council determines, and the destination will not be ready to receive tourists until the authority allows it.

“Unfortunately, social networks sometimes betray and send a message that it is not and that reality is another. I am very grateful to the author of the video that posted the clarification that it is not that the destination was opened or that a hotel came out of what the Los Cabos Hotel Association (AHLC) has mentioned all the time that it is that the destination does not open until the Health Council gives us the instruction ”.


The Mazatlan Post