High mobility and end of the ‘Dry Law’ shoot up COVID figures in Sinaloa


Efrén Encinas Torres asks society to reflect to prevent the number of contagion from continuing to rise

Sinaloa.- The fact that Sinaloa has reached “the maximum peak” of infections with 110 patients this May 25, detected in a single day, has to do with the high mobility of people and not keeping a healthy distance that occurred after the lifting of the Dry Law, said Efrén Encinas Torres.

In addition, society misinterpreted the announcement by the Federal Government that the reopening of the different sectors would begin, and people took it as if the pandemic had already passed, but in reality it continues in phase three, which is where there are more risks of contagion.

“If it has to do of course the number of cases with high mobility, the loss of healthy distance and the crowds that occurred after the lifting of the Dry Law and other factors that also influenced.”

Encinas Torres said that in case the trend continues to rise in the number of infections, vigorous measures could be taken as already announced by Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel when he authorized the sale of alcoholic beverages, for the health of the people of Sinaloa.

The official stressed that the medical teams have put all their energy into the health care of all Sinaloa and it is not fair that the indications that are for the good of all are not respected, said the Secretary of Health, Efrén Encinas Torres, before the social “relaxation” that has occurred during the contingency by COVID-19.

“I think we have put our hearts to the health care of the entire population of Sinaloa, the effort is there, society is undoubtedly asking them to participate with us, taking care of themselves, it is not fair that the rules are not respected, the indications are for the good of all, ”he quoted.

He stressed that for those who have doubts about the existence of the virus, as samples are the 600 doctors, nurses, and administrators, among others from the health sector who have been infected by caring for patients, in addition to the 2,500 infected and 400 deaths already in the entity.

He asked the citizens to carry out an exercise of reflection and awareness since the responsibility is shared and as health “caretakers” they have already informed what to do in the event of a contingency, what are the prevention and promotion measures, “they are not tired” to provide prevention, to say what are the consequences of not taking care of yourself, but carrying it out is the responsibility of society.

Source: lineadirectaportal.com

The Mazatlan Post