This is how Mexicos first Drive-in cinema looks like


Cinemex move to get out of the crisis

Since the middle of March, the cinemas located throughout Mexico City have been closed, with which the business of firms such as Cinemex or Cinépolis have been strongly affected.

CINEPOLIS IMAX (con imágenes) | Sala de cine, Cine, Arquitectura

This measure taken by the local government authorities and which was part of the efforts to control the COVID-19 outbreak in the country’s capital, hit these two firms in a special way since they are the companies that control the majority of the market. .

Theaters with deserted seats

According to data from the National Chamber of the Film Industry in its final report for 2019, there are 7,616 movie theaters in the country , of which 3,988 belong to Cinépolis, 3,055 to Cinemex, 62 are owned by Citicinemas, 80 are signed by Cinebox; 14 for Cinemagic and 417 are from other competitors.

Cómo comprar boletos de Cinemex por Internet en 3 sencillos pasos ...

The business that moves within these rooms and establishments is of significant dimensions and, for now, it is totally stopped.

According to the data provided by the aforementioned source, Mexico ranked last year as the fourth market with the highest number of tickets sold, reaching 352 million tickets a year, which allowed it to rank ninth with the highest box office reaching $ 996 million.

If we talk about attendance, we have that Mexico is in the tenth position among the markets with the highest attendance, reporting a total of 2.8 tickets sold per inhabitant per year.

Given the closings of the projection rooms derived from the health contingency associated with COVID-19, which spread to other states of the Mexican Republic, Canacine warned that about 50 thousand direct jobs and 15 thousand indirect jobs would be in danger.

According to the Chamber, the problem lies in the fact that the entire cinematographic value chain is affected, with which significant losses are estimated in terms of jobs, while stressing that at this moment “the imminent damage is still incalculable” .


An option

The truth is that Mexico will begin to resume its activities and with a slight relaxation of the containment measures, the brands in the sector begin to look for ways to reactivate their business.


In a luck to adapt to the “new normal”, Cinemex will start a drive-in cinema, the same one installed in Plaza Patria located in Guadalajara, Jalisco, it will operate from next May 21 to 24 with a function at 9 at night.

As indicated from its Twitter account Apoyo Cinemex, the billboard can be consulted within the firm’s social networks, while tickets can be purchased in the parking lot of the aforementioned shopping plaza, at a cost of 300 pesos per vehicle.

With the first function expected for tomorrow night, the complex is already installed and various users have begun to share the first images of the Cinemex Drive-In:

Industry seeks to adapt

This new Cinemex proposal should consider some of the indications that another brand, with more experience in the market at least under the drive-in modality, will begin to implement before its next opening.

We are talking about Autocinema Coyote, which will reactivate its operations at its Insurgentes Sur headquarters in Mexico City on June 3.

Among the measures that this firm has implemented to begin its reopening process are the following:

  • Only those who buy their tickets online will be admitted so there will be no sale at physical ticket offices.
  • Attendees should not open their car window. To enter, it will be enough for them to show their ticket from the inside.
  • The cafeteria will only provide direct service to your car.
  • The use of the bathroom will be used by only one person at a time.
  • All visitors and collaborators must wear mask covers
  • The pedestrian lounge is closed, so there will be no access for pedestrians, bikes, or motorcycles.


The Mazatlan Post