Baja California Sur will continue in quarantine and remain closed


The Governor of the State, Carlos Mendoza Davis, urged the South Californians to follow alerts and announced that the confinement will continue as a measure aimed at inhibiting the infections of Covid-19 in the entity, also reiterated that the definitive suspension of the school year in all educational levels and there is no date to reactivate the economy.

In a message to society through his social networks, he maintained that BCS does not have the conditions to return to the new normality, he even confirmed what was said by the health secretary, Víctor George Flores, who in mid-June expects the highest number of infections in the entity.

Pueblos Magicos de Mexico - Baja California Sur

“Using my faculties as an educational authority, I have determined the suspension of the school year in advance at all levels: from preschool to university. The cycle will not be missed. We continue with the process of teaching by electronic means and mass communication. In addition, we analyze the possibility of making up for lost time by starting the next school year in advance, ”he added.

The governor announced that primary and secondary students will be averaged the grades they had already obtained in their partial evaluations. While for high school students, each system will determine the pertinent evaluation mechanism, the university students will conclude their semester at a distance, in all cases, they said they would be privileged not to affect students.

Regarding the reactivation of the economy, it was clear to point out that there are still no conditions for the return to the new normality.

“The recovery of public health and the economy must go hand in hand. One cannot override the other. We will reopen the economy when it is responsible to do so. When the opinion of the experts who participate in the State Committee on Health Safety endorse it. Without risking people’s lives and health. In the end, if contagion increases again and the pandemic gets out of control, this circumstance would force us to close productive activity again, “he added.

As for the reactivation of essential economic activities that the National Health Council decreed, such as mining and construction for June 1, he insisted that in Baja California Sur there are no conditions for its reopening.

Somos Baja California Sur | Gobierno de Baja California Sur 2015 ...

“I am very clear: The reopening will occur when it is responsible and timely to do so. It will be done in an orderly manner, and only with companies that comply with each and every one of the criteria and protocols that will have to be determined in this case, ”he insisted. 

“For this reason, based on technical, scientific, and mathematical data, in use of my faculties as an educational authority, I have determined the suspension of the school year in advance at all levels: from preschool to university.”


The Mazatlan Post