Unique support of 4,000 pesos in Querétaro: requirements and documents needed below


The state of Querétaro provides support to the inhabitants of the entity that have been left without financial solvency during the coronavirus pandemic.

Queretaro state provides financial support of 4,000 pesos to people who have had to stop their activities by the health alert pandemic of coronavirus; that is, those who lost their jobs or sources of income, reported Francisco Domínguez, Governor of the entity.

Lanza el gobernador programa "Querétaro Fuerte" - Diario de Querétaro

The ‘Querétaro Fuerte’ program was created to temporarily support the population who have lost their jobs in Querétaro and stopped contributing to social security due to the pandemic, either because they closed their businesses or had an independent activity, from where they obtained economic resources, such as the case of tianguistas, artisans, hairdressers, waiters, etc.

Requirements to obtain the support of ‘Querétaro Fuerte’

The registration of applications began on May 2, which is aimed at people over 18 years of age who lost their source of income in the period from March 15 to April 30, 2020. Individuals who were doing some self-employment and prove that they are registered by a public municipal, state, or federal institution to access the program page.

“The objective of strong Querétaro is to contribute an economic income to people who have lost their source of income, due to the health emergency due to COVID-19, in the State of Querétaro, granting direct social aid,” reported the release.

Interested persons must provide the following information:  Full name of the applicant, Unique Population Registration Card (CURP), Federal Taxpayer Registry (RFC), IMSS Social Security Number (NSS), Telephone, email, proof of address, Electronic file of the current official identification of the applicant with domicile in the State of Querétaro and Standardized Bank Code (CLABE) consisting of 18 digits. Not be part of another support program.

Source: mexico.as.com, amqueretaro.com, municipiodequeretaro.gob.mx

The Mazatlan Post