Checkpoint at El Chepe train station in El Fuerte will be permanent


Mayor Nubia Ramos instructed the Municipal Health Directorate to install the sanitary filter every day at the Chihuahua-PacĂ­fico train station

El Fuerte, Sinaloa. – Personnel from the Municipal Health Directorate in charge of Nidia Ramírez Ruiz, permanently assist the community of Estación Hoyancos to supervise the passengers traveling on the Chepe train.

At 7:30 am, City Council workers appear at the station to check the temperature of the people who board the train; later at 19:00, they appear again to check the health of those who descend during the afternoon. Their temperature is taken, and a questionnaire is carried out to identify possible symptoms of COVID-19 .

The actions implemented in this contingency by the City Council chaired by Nubia Ramos have been far-reaching to stop contagion in the municipality of El Fuerte. Sanitary filters are a preventive measure that seeks to mitigate the spread of the pandemic and, to this day, has been effective in the territory of El Fuerte.

Cornelio Vea, responsible for the health filter, said to be aware of the passengers at all times. “We are at Hoyancos Station on the instructions of President Nubia Ramos, serving both shifts: in the morning the people who go up and in the afternoon those who go down and enter our community … we are doing the sanitary filter to detect COVID-19; Although people do not feel any symptoms, we give them recommendations to take care of themselves in their homes, “he said.

Municipal Health personnel take the temperature to the passengers who arrive at the municipality and provide preventive information about the Covid-19


The Mazatlan Post