The director of roads of the municipality of Ahome, Javier López Tostado, said that fines will apply to drivers who do not comply with the indication.
Los Mochis, Sinaloa.- “Only one person per vehicle must circulate through the streets of the city and in the event that for some reason two people need to travel, the passenger should be in the rear contralateral seat of the driver”, explained the director of Municipal Health of Ahome, Francisco Espinoza Valverde.
He said that through the sanitary filters installed in various parts of the city, it is also verified that vehicles do not carry children or older adults.
The official in charge of sanitary filters in the municipality stressed that this is also intended to make people aware that when leaving home it is only for essential activities, and to understand the importance of reducing the possibility of Covid-19 infections.
Espinoza Valverde explained that the body temperature of people and possible symptoms of respiratory complications are also verified at the different checkpoints throughout the city.
Source: Debate
The Mazatlan Post