Mazatlan’s “Isla de la Piedra” elaboration of cocadas continues


* Sales are down 50 percent
* They are only made to order

In Isla de la Piedra the elaboration of cocadas continues; despite the fact that its sales have been reduced to 50 percent.

Due to the contingency in our country due to the COVID-19 virus that has left thousands of people in the port unemployed.

From making and selling two hundred cocadas, now only 100 are made and they are sold by order only, as Rosa María Ramírez, a cocada vendor, pointed out.

Para el postre… ¡Cocadas! | Vámonos a Mazatlán

“The sale has dropped a lot, we are only selling by order; sometimes just three are sold and its not enough to support the family, ”she said.

She regretted the fact that due to the consequences of the pandemic her husband has been left without a job and they practically live on the sale of cocadas.

“Now everyone is out of a job, tell me how we are going to support the children, to feed them, the situation is difficult but we continue to sell cocadas,” she added.


The Mazatlan Post