Mexican Governors and Mayors finally authorized to use FASP-FORTASEG funds to attend health crises caused by the COVID-19.


97 million pesos correspond to Sinaloa police; they must be used for the acquisition of emergency equipment, extraordinary support, and food for public security personnel

The Federal Government, through the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System, authorized the country’s governors and mayors to use the resources of the FASP-FORTASEG to immediately attend to the health contingency caused by the COVID-19.

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Leonel Efraín Cota Montaño, Executive Secretary of the National Public Security System, informed the governors and mayors of the agreement to make use of the resources.

Un informe policial advirtió al Gobierno de los riesgos de ...

To all the C. Governors and Mayors of our country who are part of the FASP and FORTASEG programs, respectively, I would like to inform you of the following: By order of the C. President of @GovernmentMX Lic. @ Lopezobrador_ and by agreement with our Secretary of @SSPCMexico Dr . @ Alfonso Durazo; they will be able to make use of the FASP-FORTASEG resource destined to prevention and training in regards, to make the purchase of emergency supplies due to the contingency that is currently happening in our country due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cota Montaño

According to the SESNSP, Sinaloa corresponds to 97 million pesos, spread over 6 municipalities.

According to the Federal Security Fund, the municipality of Culiacán has been assigned 30 million 563 thousand pesos; Mazatlán, 15 million 939 thousand pesos; Navolato, 14 million 454 thousand pesos; Ahome, 13 million 232 thousand pesos; El Fuerte, 12 million 215 thousand pesos; and Guasave, 10 million 983 thousand pesos.

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The Federal Government assures that it determined to authorize the use of said fund in order that the police elements have the essential equipment that allows them to face the situation that our country is experiencing, given the declaration of a health emergency.

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It is important to point out that these resources, which were agreed with the Federation, are dedicated to the extraordinary work of the police elements, for the acquisition of emergency equipment, extraordinary support and food for public security personnel of the federal entities and municipal presidencies or beneficiary mayors.

Cota Montaño

The foregoing, by order of the President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and by agreement of the Secretary of Security and Citizen Protection, Alfonso Durazo Montaño, within the framework of the General Criteria for the Administration and Exercise of the Resources of the Fund of Contributions for Public Security of the States and the Federal District for the fiscal year 2020 (FASP) and the Subsidy for the strengthening of security performance.


The Mazatlan Post