Mazatlans Isla de la Piedra, one of the tourist sites hardest hit by Coronavirus Covid-19


Of the approximately 10 thousand inhabitants, 60% are dedicated to tourism and, due to the health contingency, 8 hotels, 31 restaurants, and Sunday dance centers were closed. They changed their lives overnight

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- For Isla de la Piedra, a tourist destination, COVID-19 has been decisive.

Isla de la Piedra, lo mejor que hacer en Mazatlán, | ZonaTuristica

What in other years Easter meant times of glory and prosperity for the locals of the Isla de la Piedra, who are mostly tourist service providers, today live an atypical season never before seen because of the ravages of the pandemic world of the new Coronavirus COVID-19.

The palapas of the restaurants completely desolate, perhaps missing the thousands of diners they received, some beaches completely empty of bathers, vendors and service providers, realize the loneliness and paradox in which they are involved this time.

The noise of the waves that surfers endorse in normal times, now only combines with the noise of the air, that of silence and the null presence of bathers and walkers in one of the main tourist sites in the most important port of northwest Mexico.

Victor Manuel Aguirre Peña, the community commissioner, informed Reacción Informativa that as a result of this health contingency, 60 percent of the population has been left without daily sustenance since they are the ones who dedicate themselves to tourist activities in an ejido. which has approximately 10 thousand inhabitants.

Mazatlán - Isla de la Piedra - The Inn At Centro Histórico

“It totally changed our lives, we are seeing what has never been seen before, it is very sad to see how the restaurants look empty, the beaches alone and what is worse, many of the merchants went into debt with the financial companies to fix their businesses and stock up on products for this season trusting that they would pay with the profits that these dates leave in normal times, but now nothing and the lenders of the lending companies are already behind the debtors, “he lamented.

Aguirre Peña, who is the owner of the La Iguana palapa, narrated that in his case with the profits from high tourist seasons, he took out to pay the permits, the salary of his collaborators and even saved for necessary cases and this time everything was totally different.

“There were eight small hotels that closed plus five on the Isla de Chivos, which belong to my jurisdiction and 25 restaurants plus the cacinos where dances are held during the day on Sundays,” he reported.


He pointed out that this bad streak has also hit the inhabitants of Barrón, a neighboring ejido, when the tourist activity on the island paused, many of its inhabitants were left unemployed

To survive this bitter situation, he said that the islanders are dedicating themselves to cutting coconut and growing sweet potatoes because fishing has already lost much value.

Isla de la Piedra

“Fish is priceless in the market stemming from the same crisis.”

“What is also making us a little stronger is the support that the municipality is providing, many of the residents come to extend a certificate of unemployment and with it, aid is delivered,” he said.

The commissioner of the Isla de la Piedra, like thousands of other people who have been unemployed, hope that this nightmare will pass soon and everything returns to normal to see those rides in water sports, beaches, hotels, and restaurants full.

Conoce la historia de la Isla la Piedra | Vámonos a Mazatlán


The Mazatlan Post