Coronavirus has a fatality rate of 8% in Sinaloa


With 50 infections until Thursday night, four people had died in the entity, the second-highest number after 13 in Mexico City.

Sinaloa .- While in the world the coronavirus already exceeds the barrier of one million cases and reached a fatality of 5.37 percent due to the death of just over 58 thousand people, in Mexico —where there were 50 deaths until Thursday night at At the time of this data analysis, mortality was 3.3 percent, but in Sinaloa, this same percentage reached 8 percent.

As of April 2 at night, the Ministry of Health in Sinaloa had reported 50 accumulated cases of COVID-19, including four deaths, figures that positioned the entity only below Mexico City, which had 13 deaths.

It is noteworthy that the statistics are changing every hour and show us a reality in constant motion. 

Although Sinaloa exceeds the national rate in case of fatality, compared to other entities in the country it is among the seven with the highest percentage (8%), ranking below Morelos, which with just 12 reported cases had killed a quarter (25%); Zacatecas, that its eight cases and one death averaged mortality of 12.5%; even below Durango and Nayarit (11.11%), Hidalgo (10.3%) and Baja California Sur (9.52%).

Mexico City, which until the night of April 2 accumulated 340 positive cases and 13 deaths – the highest number nationwide after that of Sinaloa and Jalisco (4) -, had a fatality rate of 3.82 percent, slightly higher than the national rate.

Death by COVID-19 in Sinaloa

According to figures from the Ministry of Health, until April 2 at night, four deaths had been confirmed in the state, three of them men (85, 42 and 64 years old), in addition to a woman (81 years old) . At least three of them had a history of chronic degenerative diseases, according to the local health sector.

And although during the midnight of Thursday and early this Friday, a 14-year-old teenager died in IMSS facilities in Culiacán, allegedly due to coronavirus, the case was under analysis.

COVID-19 in Latin America.- The nation with the highest case fatality rate up to that time was the Dominican Republic (4.57%), which, despite having only 1,488 diagnoses, totals 68 deaths. 
A very particular case is Ecuador, where the infection figure is 3,368 cases and 145 deaths, a situation that has not only surpassed Health institutions, but also funeral services, which is why dozens of families have had to live together with their dead for days, with their remains in the halls, waiting to be collected for burial.

Unofficially it emerged that the deceased young woman had a history of infantile cerebral palsy, severe malnutrition (she weighed 20 kilos) and allegedly had signs of pneumonia. Late in the evening, the secretary Encinas, in a message and interview with this medium, did not make reference to this case, simply referred to the expected laboratory tests.

In an interview for EL DEBATE, the deputy director of Disease Prevention and Control of the Health Services of Sinaloa, Juan Carlos Navarro Guerrero, recalled that, in elderly people and with comorbidities such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity or immunosuppressed, the risks of Suffering serious complications from COVID-19 tripled.

Panamanians, with the highest contagion rate.- Panama, with a population of almost 4.3 million inhabitants, has a contagion rate of 34 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, since it already totals 1,475 cases; 
Chile follows, with 20 cases for every 100,000 inhabitants; 
Ecuador, with 19; 
and the Dominican Republic, with 14. Mexico was well below all these countries.

Contagion and recovery rate

With 50 cases accumulated until Thursday night, Sinaloa registers a contagion rate of 1.81 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, almost double the national average, which is one case.

Nationwide, the federal Health Secretariat accumulates 1,510 cases of coronavirus, of which 633 patients have recovered, so it has a recovery rate of 41.9 percent; while, globally, the recovery is 20.8 percent, since just over a million 83 thousand cases, just over 225 thousand have been rehabilitated.

Quintana Roo, with the highest contagion rate.- In an analysis by state, Quintana Roo occupies the first place in terms of contagion rate, since in that entity, located in the south of the country, they added up to April 2, 56 confirmed cases, equivalent to 4.2 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. It is followed by Mexico City, which, despite having the highest incidence, its reported infection rate is calculated at 3.8 cases. Baja California follows, with 3.3 cases. Sinaloa is in sixth place, with a contagion rate of 1.8 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

In the case of Sinaloa, the recovery rate has been six percent, since 50 infected to date, three of them have completed the recovery process, according to the SSA report. It should be noted that these data at the national level also need to be communicated by the Federal Ministry of Health, since the sex, age of the recovered persons is not disclosed in detail by state, but rather a global figure. 

Mexico in Latin America

In a review of the situation in the countries of Latin America, it is possible to notice that, until yesterday morning, Brazil was the nation with the highest number of cases, with 8 thousand 229 and 343 deaths, with a lethality 4.17 percent; however, the Dominican Republic, with 1,488 infected and 68 deaths, has the highest mortality rate: 4.75 percent, a figure that is below the global rate, which until yesterday was 5.3, according to the figures reported by Johns Hopkins University. Mexico ranks seventh in terms of mortality, with 3.3 percent, as a result of its 1,010 confirmed cases until Thursday night and its 50 deaths.

Sinaloa, the seventh entity with the highest lethality.- Mexico City, which registers the highest number of deaths in the country, with 13 until April 2, is, according to the Inegi Intercensal Survey 2015, the entity with the oldest population structure, with an average age of 33 years; 
while at the national level the average age is 27 years. 
But despite this, the case fatality rate in the country’s capital is 3.8 percent, a category in which Morelos dominates, which reported 12 cases, but three have died; 
that is to say, a quarter. 
Sinaloa is the seventh entity with the highest percentage of death (8%); 
however, it is the state that has the second highest number in the number of confirmed deaths, which at the time of this analysis were four, like Jalisco. 
(At press time 5 were confirmed in Sinaloa)

The Latin American country with the highest rate of infection is Panama, whose 1,475 confirmed cases represent a rate of 34 cases per 100,000 inhabitants; followed by Chile, which with 3,737 positives has an infection rate of 20 cases; The third is Ecuador, where there are 3,368 cases and a rate of 19 infections. The contagion rate in Mexico is currently 1 per 100,000 inhabitants. With data analysis by Ángel Partida, coordinator of Culiacán Surveys

The call to stay home

Regarding the appearance of Sinaloa in the second national place with more cases of deaths from COVID-19, Dr. Navarro recalled that a very true truth is that, if people move, the virus also moves, so we must stop completely so that the virus also stops, and the main way to contain it is being at home, he recalled.

Information processing.- In a detailed review of the coronavirus statistics in Sinaloa, until April 2 at night the entity had 50 accumulated cases; of them, four deaths and three recovered, for a mortality rate of eight percent and a recovery rate of six percent. Regarding the way of accounting for cases, Sinaloa is the only entity that in its daily reports specifies the number of active and recovered cases; the rest of the entities do not do it nor does the federation in their daily report.

The epidemiologist also emphasized that the recommendation for the general population, regardless of age group, is to stay home, because we can get contaminated. He exemplified with those people who, in case of having the virus, spit on the floor, because if someone else steps on that saliva and takes it home, it can be a source of contamination.

He recalled that those who spend the longest time on the streets are precisely young people, who at the same time could be the asymptomatic carriers of the coronavirus; that is, that they do not develop symptoms, but that they are also transmission vehicles, and therefore the call to stay at home is also for them.

Comorbidity and age trigger death risks.- The health sector has been insistent in remembering that elderly people, as well as those with chronic degenerative diseases, are more likely (3 to 1) to develop serious symptoms in case of contracting COVID-19. 
Not all states have released details of their deaths, nor is the federation fully informed of the sex, age, and chronic illness of each victim who has died of Covid-19. 
Of the deaths in Sinaloa, at least three have a history of comorbidities. 
In most cases that have detailed other states, it is common to see the history of diabetes, hypertension, kidney failure, a history of smoking or obesity, to name the most common.

He recognized that there are young people on the streets thinking that this is not real, young people who sneeze and do not protect themselves, do not sneeze or use the internal angle of the elbow for it, nor do they use disposable tissues.

Recovery rate

While globally the recovery of patients with COVID-19 is 20.8 percent, in Mexico the figure is practically 42 percent; while in Sinaloa, it is reduced to six percent, as only three recovered among 50 cases reported.


The Mazatlan Post