AMLO out of touch and destroying the country


By Pablo Hiriart

The most responsible sectors of the country have a political obligation to stop López Obrador because the damage he inflicts on the country is unprecedented, deliberate and may be irreversible.

Waiting for the midterm elections in 2021 to create counterweights is a long time given the speed with which the destruction of Mexico is progressing.

Marchan contra el gobierno de AMLO | Publimetro México

First of all, his own companions in government. Also the businessmen and that which was once useful, the National Confederation of Governors.

There are people prepared in the governing team who know that the President “we have already lost”, because the evidence is undeniable. They need to bring it back to reality.

Cabinet members such as Ebrard, Herrera, Graciela Márquez, Román Meyer, are intelligent people and internally they measure the size of the crisis we are entering due to the irresponsibility of their boss, the President.

The big businessmen, who have made all kinds of efforts to facilitate good relations with López Obrador’s know it. The same is true of most governors, Claudia Sheinbaum included.

Prometieron empresarios invertir en México.- AMLO

They are the ones who can stop it and make adjustments that avoid national ruin.

Some lack character to comment or afraid and risk being fired, in the case of cabinet members. They will have to appreciate that the judgment of history, soon to be written, will also fall on them.

They announce that a health crisis is coming. Yes, we knew: we acted late and we lost time in recipes that were alternative in the century of the Black Death (XIV), such as prayers and amulets, because there was no other.

In 2020 we have medicine and it was scrapped with budget cuts, mistreatment of health scientists, contempt for the coming pandemic, presidential machismo in the face of the health cataclysm.

Emergency measures are now taken after minimizing, tinkering, hiding, lying about coronavirus.

We will pass from the health crisis almost parallel to the economic one, without the government having done absolutely nothing to cushion it.

While governments in the rest of the world invest historical figures in lessening the effects of the crisis on people and companies, government perplexity prevails here.

This is combined with the ideological and resentful vision that emanates from López Obrador’s interventions: We will NOT be supporting companies. This is not like before. There will be no fiscal help.

Until just a few days ago, for him and several of his family, the coronavirus was a matter for the rich and the fifis, who had to be beaten with kisses, hugs and turkey mole. Unsustainable madness.

Already with the problem and a worldwide mockery for his irresponsibility, completely overcome, AMLO took measures such as healthy distance. That happened five days after calling for a normal life and going out to consume in the markets.

It had already weakened the health sector with cuts and unsubstantiated allegations of corruption to medical eminences claiming a lack of medicines and healing materials and infrastructure.

López-Gatell, a scientist, was an accomplice and comparsa of that infamy.

Medical personnel are without protective equipment in their work, exposed to contagion due to the “savings” that were made to invest in Pemex projects, with the catastrophic results that are known to all.

And the President announces that he will continue with the losing and polluting projects, to the detriment of supporting companies to keep paying wages.

PrayForMéxico, critican a AMLO ante postura ante el coronavirus ...

To support informal or marginalized sectors, there is no reliable pattern, because they destroyed the Prospera-Oportunidades pattern, and replaced it with one steamed by organizations from Morena. There are no additional resources there either.

The economic measures were not such. They downgraded our sovereign rating and we also lost an investment grade for Pemex.

They put us in a negative perspective in both (they see more deterioration) and we are one step away from announcing to the world that they should withdraw their money from Mexico because we will not be able to pay.

Between -3.7 and -7.0 of GDP is the drop forecast by various international institutions this year. And we had a subzero economy in 2019. Horrible the panorama.

After this, if the President is allowed to advance in his flight to the precipice, Mexico will be back, metaphorically, in the Middle Ages.

Not so metaphorically. On Saturday, in La Rumorosa, Baja California, López Obrador announced that there will never again be permits “to install those windmills,” he said, referring to wind turbines.

EZLN asegura que no permitirá la construcción del Tren Maya

For our President, clean energy “belongs to the trade that was made in the neoliberal period”, and he will insist on spending public money –which should go to health and boost the economy– on fossil fuels, projects that damage the biodiversity in our jungles, in destroying hundreds of hectares of mangroves, in paying so that productive works are not built (airport, brewery).

Refinería Dos Bocas: Pemex destruye manglares para construir ...

The energy taken from the wind, according to him, “affects the environment and (creates) visual pollution.”

Back, then, to the horse and mill economy, after having destroyed a great country in less than two years.

Every day he puts a new nail in the coffin of the nation.

They have to stop him, and in his team, in businessmen and governors, is the key.


The Mazatlan Post