Mazatlan businesses suspended for not respecting contingency of COVID-19


Whoever does not abide by this national security provision will be subject to their permits being permanently suspended, the official warned.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- For failing to comply with the sanitary provisions ordered to stop the spread of COVID-19, among which stand out the prohibition of the diagnostic test by unauthorized private laboratories and the temporary closure of cinemas, bars, gyms and theaters, this Coepriss weekend in the port of Mazatlán.

Jorge Alan Urbina Vidales, head of the State Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks of Sinaloa reported that they have closed businesses of various lines during the last hours.

“This issue is a matter of National Security, and the provisions imposed to stop the spread of the virus in Sinaloa must be obeyed, because otherwise, it will proceed with energy, applying sanctions that go up to definitive suspensions.”

The Le Tour Fitness Gym, one of the 45 gyms that exist in Mazatlán, was suspended because it remained open despite the closing provision. Alonso Laboratorio was sanctioned because he carried out COVID-19 diagnostic tests without authorization.

Urbina Vidales warned that there is coordination between local and federal authorities to apply sanctions against businesses that ignore the contingency provisions by COVID-19.

The head of Coepriss called this type of establishment to respect preventive measures since failure to comply with these actions puts the health of the entire population at risk.

He said that it was also recommended to stimulate the takeaway food service without the clients having to spend a lot of time at the same point.

Finally, the commissioner maintained that the majority of gyms have closed their units voluntarily to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and have invited their clients to continue with the preventive measures in a responsible manner, specifically they have weighed the “Stay at Home” strategy.


The Mazatlan Post