Life is more important than any event says Mazatlan Musicians Union


In Mazatlán there are around 150 musicians affiliated to the union, in which 50 percent carry out different types of work other than music.

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 Many of us would not want to stop working, because the government’s provisions are not only for the activity of the musicians, but for all the places where there is an agglomeration of people 

Marco Antonio Gordoa Obeso

The Secretary-General of the Musicians Union, Marco Antonio Gordoa Obeso, recognized after the cancellation of artistic events as a measure to avoid possible Covid-19 infections.

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He acknowledged, the recess that the authorities take from March 20 on the issue of coronavirus, seriously affects the groups that had contracted events for the quarantine period that will last until April 20.

Now, he pointed out, many of the musical groups will have 2 options to get ahead in the eventuality that currently occurs in the world, which is to return the money from the contracts or postpone the event to dates after the end of the 40 days without massive activity.

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He said that at least 50 percent of union members work in other job sources, which allows them to support themselves and not be in places where many people are.

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Gordoa Obeso, acknowledged, the recess that is currently taking place in the country is good, since any contagion that may arise regarding the coronavirus issue is prevented, which is more important than any artistic event.


The Mazatlan Post