They are also given an awareness talk every shift change by a doctor.
Based on recommendations from the World Health Organization and the Federal and State Health Secretariat, the Sinaloa Ministry of Public Security designed a manual with instructions to prevent Covid 19, which has been distributing among the agents of the State Preventive Police (PEP).
It was the director of the PEP, Joel Ernesto Soto, who was in charge of delivering the manuals to the group commanders so that they could distribute them to the other uniformed officers in their charge.
The manual explains the preventive actions to be taken before, during and after your service, as well as in your homes.
In the informative brochure, the police officers explain that they should wash their hands with soap and water for at least 40 seconds, in addition to cleaning with chlorine diluted in water all the work tools, from the keys, lever, steering wheel and buttons of command of the official vehicle, up to radio communication and tactical protection equipment.
Ernesto Soto indicated that, apart from the graphic information, at each shift change, the policemen receive talks from medical personnel who work in the corporation to raise awareness about hygiene and self-care measures that they must use in their work as public servants.
Source: reaccion informativa
The Mazatlan Post