Sinaloa will create its own Financial Intelligence Unit against ‘money laundering’


By signing an agreement with the Financial Intelligence Unit, headed by Santiago Nieto Castillo, with the Sinaloa State Government and the State Attorney General, Sinaloa will be the national model in the creation of a Patrimonial Intelligence Unit and Economica, which will operate locally in the identification of money laundering from illicit activities.

To realize this purpose, Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel signed this Wednesday with the head of the FIU of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit, Santiago Nieto, and the state attorney general, Juan José Ríos Estavillo, the respective collaboration agreement to create this state unit, which will be ready in a month and a half to start operations.

Nieto Castillo recognized the commitment of Governor Quirino Ordaz in the fight against corruption and above all the possibility of having this mechanism from the signing of a collaboration agreement for the exchange of information on money laundering and the fight to the financing of terrorism.

“The Governor has raised the commitment of Sinaloa to generate a model that can serve as an example to the other states of how to build a better exchange of information between the Federation and the states. The State would provide information related to the Public Registry of Property, Cadastre, and the Federation, through the Financial Intelligence Unit, would provide financial information regarding specific cases that could serve both the State Government and the Attorney General’s Office to prosecute file folders. investigation ”, explained the federal official.

In welcoming him, Governor Quirino Ordaz Coppel thanked Dr. Santiago Nieto Castillo for having moved to Sinaloa at a time like the one in the country, to sign this agreement to create this Intelligence Unit in the state.

“This agreement will not be only on paper, there is a commitment to land it in a month and a half at the latest, despite the fact that Easter is coming, we are going to do it because we want to be a national model in the creation of a Financial Intelligence Unit that , through this agreement, what will allow us is the exchange of information, support that we do not have right now, precisely to be able to advance on many issues, the fight against corruption, the fight against money laundering, trafficking, to many other aspects of crime, “said the state president.

Nieto Castillo added that this agreement is a mechanism that will allow the FIU to comply with the international standards of the International Financial Action Group, and the objective of being able to reach a greater number of convictions in the matter of “money laundering” and finally have mechanisms much more vigorous to fight corruption and impunity.

During the meeting, the head of the FIU listed five specific actions that comprise the national security strategy, the first of which is combating the hired assassins and drug dealers; the second, the fight against financial structures through the work of the Financial Intelligence Unit and the creation of the State Economic and Economic Intelligence Units, such as the case of Sinaloa; The third is the fight against corruption, since it generates criminal power groups.

A fourth is to combat ministerial and judicial corruption, in order to prevent the work of prosecutors and prosecutors being eliminated through acts of corruption by judges; and a fifth is the fight against the social base of criminal groups, which must be done through social programs and rural development and public and private investment.

The welcome to the signing event of both agreements was given by the Secretary of Administration and Finance, Luis Alberto de la Vega Armenta, who stated that the government of Quirino Ordaz Coppel has characterized itself in its determined fight against all forms of corruption, since From the beginning of his administration very clear initiatives in this sense were promoted, among them, the reform to create the State Anticorruption System and the Administrative Court of Justice.

Similarly, the reform to strengthen the technical autonomy of the State Superior Audit in the review of public accounts, the reform of the Penal Code to classify as crimes of embezzlement, bribery and abuse of authority, in addition to the autonomy of the State Attorney General’s Office.

The signing of the agreements was witnessed by the deputy president of the Board of Directors of the State Congress, Gloria Himelda Félix Niebla; the Superior State audit, Emma Guadalupe Félix Rivera; the Secretary General of the Government, Gonzalo Gómez Flores; the secretary for Transparency and Accountability, María Guadalupe Yan Rubio; the CEAIP president commissioner, José Alfredo Beltrán Estrada and leaders of business and production organizations, as well as secretaries and undersecretaries of the State Government. (Information from the Government of Sinaloa).


FGE Bulletin 57/2020

Sinaloa Prosecutor’s Office to Create
Financial Crime Investigation Unit

The intelligence area will be in charge of assisting in the prevention, detection and combat of crimes committed with illicit resources

Culiacán, Sinaloa, on March 19, 2020.- The Attorney General of the State of Sinaloa will create a specialized area for the investigation of crimes committed with illicit resources, announced the head of this agency, Juan José Ríos Estavillo, as part of the actions derived from the collaboration agreement established with the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Ministry of Finance.

He stressed that it seeks to establish a model with effective and efficient systems that allow obtaining the economic, economic and financial information existing in various local instances, and transforming it into intelligence information to identify illegal acts.

“… create a body in charge of economic, patrimonial and financial investigation, which assists as a technical body in the investigation of crimes of a financial nature, acts of corruption or any other matter that requires investigative techniques or supplies of technological intelligence information , digital or financial, proposes and constitutes a technical input body within it, which, of course, will be attached to the State Attorney General’s Office, ”he explained.

Ríos Estavillo said that in what corresponds to the sphere of competence of this autonomous constitutional body, there is a need for technical, specialized and professional bodies that allow the identification, investigation and sanction of illegal acts, from the scientific perspective of tool-based research. Intelligence.

“In conduct that involves the purpose of covering up, applying makeup or concealing the illicit origin of resources, with the consequent effect on the state economy, social dynamics, public administration and security, the establishment of a strategy is highly relevant comprehensive investigation and intelligence to prevent and combat such criminal phenomenon, “he added.

The Sinaloa prosecutor stressed that it is a priority institutional interest to generate an organic ministerial scaffolding that responds to social demands, with the conviction of helping from the field of legal competence.

Source: pmxporta

The Mazatlan Post