Coronavirus in Mexico: latest news and cases today March 19th


Updated 900pm

The Ministry of Health of the Government of Mexico announced that coronavirus cases increased. Here the report offered at 19:00 on Wednesday March 18.

Figures of the Coronavirus in Mexico

– 164 confirmed cases

448 suspected cases

– 787 negative cases

-3 recovered

– 1 death.

– Cases by sex 59% men, 41% women.

– 91% Outpatients, 9% Hospitalized.

COVID-19 coronavirus cases by state in Mexico

Federal entityConfirmedSuspectsDeathsRecovered
Mexico City2480one
New Lion198
Mexico state1041one
Quintana Roo612
San Luis Potosi316
Baja Californiatwo25
Baja California Sur

The Secretary of Health in Nuevo León, Doctor Manuel de la O  confirms 25 people infected with coronavirus in the entity. He also asks to follow the guidelines of health to avoid more contagions.

The Governor of Nuevo León, Jaime Rodríguez Calderón, the Governor of Francisco Javier García Cabeza de Vaca and The Governor of Coauhuila announce that they are going to unite to combat the coronavirus pandemic.

In the State of Jalisco 24 people confirmed positive for coronavirus and 4 asymptomatic. In addition to disclosing measures to avoid transmission.

The director general of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom commented that coronavirus also affects children and young people, although it is stronger in adults of 60 years , so he asked the world not to lower security measures for all family.

The  Aguascalientes government confirmed the third infected with Covid-19 , who is under observation. He is a 50-year-old man who traveled to Dubai and made a stopover in Spain.

The CDMX metro initiated a series of protocols to mitigate the spread of coronaviruses, such as cleaning and disinfecting the interior of the trains. Today, as part of his measures, he informed that he will close his art rooms inside public transport.

Today Dr. Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion reported at a press conference in the National Palace that we are still in phase 1.

– That there was a death yesterday about the coronavirus does not mean that we enter a new phase.

– People who are more likely to contract the virus are people with chronic diseases, older adults and pregnant women. We can all get sick, but in them the coronovirus can become serious.

-There are 3 phases: Scenario one is when the virus is imported, scenario two is when there are transmission situations, and scenario three is when the community outbreaks are occurring, a dispersed transmission appears.

-During the coronavirus pandemic there may be a minority of people who die.

– In the portal you can find information to resolve doubts about the coronavirus.

MLB’s visit to Mexico is canceled!

Through a statement, the MLB announced that the Mexico Series 2020 they would dispute; Arizona Diamondbacks and the San Diego Padres, will not be possible due to the delay in the start of the Major Leagues.

Remember not to stop following the following instructions, it is not only for your own good, we also help the person next to you.

Day by day, the government authorities remind us that the most vulnerable people to the new coronavirus are the elderly, the care must be greater with them. Javier Alarcón, sports journalist, showed on his social networks an initiative that benefits this sector of the population and taught us through a video on his social networks, how to help them.

Coronavirus: Javier Alarcón’s initiative to help the elderly

 question from the press, Hugo López-Gatell, makes it clear that the coronavirus cannot be spread if a person with the disease is in a place and days later someone else visits the same geographical location. The virus does not stay in the air, it goes with the person and spreads it through sneezing, coughing, touching someone else or through the respiratory tract, as long as there is a space less than a meter away with the sick person.

The first person to die of coronavirus in Mexico died. The undersecretary of the Ministry of Health sent his condolences and assured that this does not accelerate phase 2 of the pandemic. In addition, he commented that people with chronic diseases are more likely to have the disease complicated by COVID-19.

Remember that tomorrow the school activities will be suspended by the SEP. Classes will resume on April 20. Some states of the Mexican Republic decided to stop classes earlier and took advantage of the bridge over the birth of Benito Juárez to link it with the break by COVID-19.

The first coronavirus death in the country is confirmed

The Ministry of Health confirmed that this Wednesday the first person died of COVID-19 conoronavirus. In its statement, the agency indicated that the person presented his symptoms on March 9 and suffered from diabetes. The authorities are expected to abound in this regard on Thursday 19 during the Morning Conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador at the National Palace.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases by state

The number of infections until the official report of March 18 reached 118 confirmed cases. Mexico City is the entity with the most positives for COVID-19 (24). The capital is followed by Nuevo León (19), Estado de México (10) and Puebla (9).

There are 118 infected with COVID-19 in Mexico

According to the latest update from the Ministry of Health, there are already 118 with confirmed cases of Coronavirus. Because these records are from people who acquired the disease abroad, Phase 1 spread remains. However, the population was urged to stay informed regarding any change in the situation in the country.

There are 118 infected with COVID-19 in Mexico

According to the latest update from the Ministry of Health, there are already 118 with confirmed cases of Coronavirus . Because these records are from people who acquired the disease abroad, Phase 1 spread remains. However, the population was urged to stay informed regarding any change in the situation in the country.

The first coronavirus death in the country is confirmed

The Ministry of Health confirmed that this Wednesday the first person died of COVID-19 conoronavirus . In its statement, the agency indicated that the person presented his symptoms on March 9 and suffered from diabetes. The authorities are expected to abound in this regard on Thursday 19 during the Morning Conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador at the National Palace.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases by state

There are 118 infected with COVID-19 in Mexico

According to the latest update from the Ministry of Health, there are already 118 with confirmed cases of Coronavirus . Because these records are from people who acquired the disease abroad, Phase 1 spread remains. However, the population was urged to stay informed regarding any change in the situation in the country.

The first coronavirus death in the country is confirmed

The Ministry of Health confirmed that this Wednesday the first person died of COVID-19 conoronavirus . In its statement, the agency indicated that the person presented his symptoms on March 9 and suffered from diabetes. The authorities are expected to abound in this regard on Thursday 19 during the Morning Conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador at the National Palace.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases by state

There are 118 infected with COVID-19 in Mexico

According to the latest update from the Ministry of Health, there are already 118 with confirmed cases of Coronavirus . Because these records are from people who acquired the disease abroad, Phase 1 spread remains. However, the population was urged to stay informed regarding any change in the situation in the country.

The first coronavirus death in the country is confirmed

The Ministry of Health confirmed that this Wednesday the first person died of COVID-19 conoronavirus . In its statement, the agency indicated that the person presented his symptoms on March 9 and suffered from diabetes. The authorities are expected to abound in this regard on Thursday 19 during the Morning Conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador at the National Palace.

The number of confirmed coronavirus cases by state

The number of infections until the official report of March 18 reached 118 confirmed cases. Mexico City is the entity with the most positives for COVID-19 (24). The capital is followed by Nuevo León (19), Estado de México (10) and Puebla (9).


The Mazatlan Post