20 detainees await sentence for illegal fishing in Baja California Sur


Guaterismo” is the capture of marine species without permit, that is, the illegal fishing of any species.

The delegate of the Attorney General of the Republic (FGR), Marcos Olvera commented that in Baja California Sur there are currently 20 people who have been linked to the process for the crime of guaterismo; actions that occurred in San Carlos, especially in species such as the catarina and generosa clam.

Catarina Clam (Archive)

“There are already 20 people linked to process or awaiting sentence, in San Carlos, in the north, mostly for the illegal fishing of species such as lobster, abalone, catarina and generosa clam; and that showd an increase in the figures, “said the authority.

Generosa Clam (Archive)

“The Secretary of the Navy, the National Guard, the State Police, the Federal State Police have joined together in this area of the Peninsula to combat illegal fishing, especially in the northern zone, conducting surveillance operations on sea and land; with good results”, emphasized Marcos Olvera.

He also said that thanks to the Security Board of Directors, it has been possible to have a presence in the municipalities of the north of the state of Baja California Sur, because it is in this region where these events occur the most.

The Mazatlan Post