El Dorado and Juan José Ríos, will lead the popular elections in coordination with the INE, where they have more than 30 thousand inhabitants to endorse them as independent municipalities
Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- Deputies of the parliamentary group of Morena in the Local Congress, announced today the popular elections so that El Dorado and Juan José Ríos can enter the process of becoming new municipalities of Sinaloa.
On March 1 and 15, the polls will be taken to the inhabitants of these unions.
The deputies of Morena, Graciela Domínguez Nava, Flor Emilia Guerra Mena, Antonio Crespo López, and Alma Rosa Garzón, presented themselves in Mazatlan to inform their actions as popular representatives because they said they were betting on the public consultation to reform aspects of public life of Sinaloa before the 2021 elections.
It was the deputy Graciela Domínguez Nava, president of the Political Coordination Board of the Local Congress, who took the floor to explain why retake the request of the communities because she argued that this process had not been carried out properly because the standard Total voters did not participate and that the emancipation of these unions was politicized.
Lawmakers explained that if voters choose a yes in their independence, the process will be valid when there is a qualified majority by the parliamentary groups in Congress, then they return to the communities to re-certify the endorsement, and then send it to the rest of the municipalities to approve them.
The community of Eldorado will carry out its election on March 1, while Juan José Ríos will be on the 15th, where the National Electoral Institute will coordinate the process so that it is carried out properly without political presence before the citizens vote .
Source: reaccion informativa
The Mazatlan Post