With 29 bank cards and 2 checks of 1 Million Pesos! Culiacán official arrested


The worker of the City Council said to be an employee of the Expenditures area of ​​the municipality of Culiacán

Culiacán, Sinaloa.- An official in the Expenditures area of ​​the City Council of Culiacán was arrested on Thursday morning after he detected him making suspicious bank withdrawals at several ATMs.

A suspicious person was observed inside a Santander ATM located by Maquio Clouthier Boulevard and Tarahumaras Street, in Salvador Alvarado neighborhood. Subsequently, through the cameras of CERI he was monitored by taking money from three different ATMs.

Launched the report, elements of the State Preventive Police (PEP) came, who when doing a review of the subject were located 29 Santander bank cards, $ 164,000.00 in cash and two checks of 1 million pesos each.

This is Jesus Antonio “N”, 37, who said he works in the Expenditures area of ​​the City of Culiacán.

He was also assured of a BMW car, model 2017, red, without license plates, which does not have a theft report.

The detainee and the insured were made available to the Public Ministry to explain suspicious movements to the justice authorities.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post