16 different Carnivals held throughout Sinaloa


Mazatlan.- From tomorrow until March, in Sinaloa 16 Carnival parties will be held in 14 municipalities, which include the Magic Towns of Cosalá, Mocorito, and El Fuerte, with an influx of 2 million visitors and an economic spill in the order of approximately 680 million pesos.

Resultado de imagen de carnaval topolobampo 2020

The Secretary of State Tourism, Ă“scar PĂ©rez Barros, reported that Mazatlan stands out of that total, as it is one of the oldest, in which they expect to exceed 500 million pesos in economic spills and in assistance 1.3 million visitors who had the previous year.

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“Sinaloa will be with long tablecloths with those 16 carnivals, something historical, and for this, we work in the Ministry of Tourism hand in hand with the municipal authorities, supporting the promotion and dissemination of these events, where tourism leaves a good economic spill ”, Added the head of the Sectur.

The parties start tomorrow and until next Tuesday, February 25 in Mazatlan, Topolobampo (Ahome) and GuamĂşchil.

In the first case it is called “We are America, Passion, Joy and Hope.”

Resultado de imagen de carnaval topolobampo 2020

In Topolobampo it will be called “The Magic of the Circus”, in which they expect an influx of 70 thousand visitors and an economic spill of 7 million pesos.

Resultado de imagen de carnaval topolobampo 2020

While in Guamúchil they will be “The Wonders of India”, with a goal of 250 thousand people and an economic spill of 50 million pesos.

Resultado de imagen de carnaval mocorito 2020

By February 28, they will begin in Teacapán, Escuinapa (“Flavoring my Land”), ending on March 1, while in Angostura (“The Safari and the Wonders of Wild Life); Mocorito (“Viva Las Vegas, Magic Night”), and Pericos (who turns 100), will continue until March 3. In these four events are expected about 100,000 visitors and a spill of approximately 35 million pesos.

Resultado de imagen de Teacapán, Escuinapa Carnaval

From February 29 to March 1 will be Mesillas (Concordia), with “The Traditional Festivities of my People”, to give way to the month of March with 4 more carnivals, in this case from 13 to 15 they will be in Sinaloa de Leyva (“ The Great Adventure ”); Altata, Navolato (“Stories of Yesterday”); La Cruz, Elota (“Floral Fantasy”) and El Fuerte; to those who would reach around 90 thousand people.

Ballet El mazatleco se presentĂł en las fiestas patronales de Concordia.

From March 16 to 22 in Navolato they will celebrate “Passion for Mexico”, and in Choix, “The Circus, Visit and Have Fun”. They estimate that there are about 28 thousand visitors who would leave a spill for the order of seven million pesos.

Resultado de imagen de el fuerte sinaloa

Source: pmxportal

The Mazatlan Post