In one day, Balandra beach in La Pas BCS receives up to 4,000 visitors


La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS ). Currently, after promoting Balandra beaches one of the most beautiful places in the country, about 500 people are received per day, however, sometimes there can be up to 4,000 visitors; Recently, the iconic beach of the municipality of La Paz received between 2,000 and 3,000 bathers per year. 

Resultado de imagen de playa Balandra

In this regard, the regional delegate of the National Commission of Natural Protected Areas (Conanp) in Baja California SurBenito Bermúdez, informed that work is being done on the construction of a Tourism Planning plan, which began with the certification of the guides. 

Resultado de imagen de playa Balandra

There are currently almost 100 authorized tourist service providers, with permission for activities in almost all cases of marinas, although it is necessary to regulate the arrival by land, he said. 

Resultado de imagen de playa Balandra

Benito Bermüez pointed out that in recent years the origin of visitors has changed, since previously there were 70% locals and 30% tourists, while currently 80% come from abroad and 20% are inhabitants from Baja California Sur . 

Resultado de imagen de playa Balandra

Because it is a Protected Natural Area, the agency makes a federal charge of 35 pesos which applies to foreign visitors, although the resource is limited since those who arrive by land do not pay. For this concept, in 2019 only 150,000 pesos entered. 

Resultado de imagen de playa Balandra

It should be noted that one of the main problems that Balandra has is the insufficiency of public toilets since those that operate can serve 30% of visitors. 

Image may contain: ocean, sky, outdoor and water

Finally, Benito Bermúdez explained that in 2021 the Management Plan of the protected natural area will be reviewed and, in the event that the Advisory Council determines it, changes will be made to the document, for which public consultation will be carried out, otherwise an evaluation sheet. 

Source: bcsnoticias

The Mazatlan Post