Business robberies in La Paz continue


The crimes were reported by inhabitants in the colonies El Cardonal, Pueblo Nuevo and Esterito, in the city of La Paz

La Paz, Baja California Sur (BCS ). During this Thursday, February 13, 3 robberies were recorded in the capital of Baja California Sur; one went to a vehicle and 2 more in commercial establishments, the Municipal Police of La Paz detailed in its report.

The first of the cases were recorded around 5:48 am, at an address located on Lomboy streets between Palo de Arco and Palo Amarillo, in El Cardona l; The 43-year-old reporter, a merchant occupation, said that when she got up to open her business, she noticed that they took a wheelbarrow, a shovel and a pickaxe. 

Subsequently, at the edge of 7:22, the robbery was reported to the business called Breakfast Los Moyetes, which is located in the streets Heroes of Independence between February 5 and Cuauhtémoc, in the Pueblo Nuevo neighborhood

On the site, a 48-year-old man of merchant occupation said that during the night someone entered his premises because when he arrived to open his premises, he noticed that they had forced the aluminum door taking an approximate amount of 800 pesos 

While, in the streets Francisco I. Madero between the Republic and Vicente Guerrero, in the Estero neighborhood, where the theft was reported when they arrived they met a 53-year-old man who said that his Ford Mustang vehicle was stolen The cover of the stereo.

Source: bcsnoticias

The Mazatlan Post