Pornhub says Mexican women watch the most porn in the world


According to graphics implemented by one of the most successful companies in the field of pornography,  Pornhub, said that Mexican women are the ones they are looking for the most content.

Resultado de imagen de pornhub mexico survey 2019

He also explained that Mexico is among the first places to look for porn worldwide.

Resultado de imagen de pornhub mexico survey 2019

It should be noted that these consumption habits data were revealed over the year 2019.

Data shared by Pornhub indicates that an average Mexican user invests 9 minutes and 56 seconds a day for the page, which places the country as the tenth place to search for porn videos worldwide.

Resultado de imagen de women viewing porn on cellphones

Among the categories of “most viewed” in the past year, are: ” Japanese “, ” lesbians “, ” amateur ” and ” hentai “, however, in our country the most sought after of these concepts is “lesbians”.

Resultado de imagen de hentai

36% of Mexican users entering this page are women, and the category of preference for females is “lesbians.”

Resultado de imagen de pornhub mexican women survey

Mexico is located in third place on the balance of users between men and women since 2018 and 2019. The countries that surpass it are Brazil and the Philippines on women attached to the page, which in global terms would be an increase of 3% in this sex.

Resultado de imagen de pornhub mexico survey 2019

Source: televisa

The Mazatlan Post