Venados or Tomateros? Mayor of Mazatlan challenges Culiacán for the end of baseball championships


Luis Guillermo Benítez clarified that the bet would not be paid with public resources; He said he was waiting for an answer from Jesús Estrada Ferreiro

 Public servants are no stranger to the expectation that the Mexican Pacific League final has created, between Tomateros de Culiacán and Venados de Mazatlán, and in which the club of the capital of Sinaloa takes advantage, Well, it’s just a game of staying with the championship.

The emotion is such that the mayor of Mazatlan, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, who has just arrived from a tour of Spain, proposed to place a bet on his Culiacán counterpart, Jesús Estrada Ferreiro.

“The rivalry between Venados and Tomateros is natural, we all feel it, that’s why I want to place a bet on Jesús Estrada Ferreiro, my friend. As Culiacán has an advantage, I would propose to make a 2 to 1 bet: if Tomateros wins, the ‘Chemist’ Benítez buys 10 airs for Culiacán schools, but if Venados wins, Estrada Ferreiro buys 20 airs, double, for Mazatlan schools ” , said.

In an interview on the First Direct Line Issuance, Benítez Torres clarified that the bet would be paid with his own money and not with public resources.
“We would pay of our money, of our peculiar, we cannot put the citizenship money in this, it is what we earn,” he emphasized.

“The Chemist” added that this rivalry is merely sports and said he will be waiting if the mayor of Culiacán agrees to enter the bet.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post