MAZATLÁN.- The city-port of Mazatlan is experiencing “historical” numbers in the area of private investment, as far as the present Municipal Administration, said Mayor Luis Benítez Torres and David Armando González Torrentera, Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism and Municipal fishing
In a press conference held on Monday, the Mayor stressed that fostering private investment and tourism promotion in Mazatlan has been the priority of his Government.
Torrentera González said that from November 2018 to December 2019, the investment in Mazatlan was 20,495 million pesos.
He added that of the total amount, 79 percent corresponds to the real estate sector, with 16 thousand 164 million pesos; 11 percent is in the commercial sector, with 2,777 million pesos; 8 percent in housing, with 1,525 million pesos, and in industry, 2 percent, with 487 million pesos.
By concept of the Certificate of Fiscal Promotion of the State of Sinaloa 4 thousand 680 million pesos were granted, and the jobs generated are 935 fixed and 4 thousand 359 eventual.
The head of the Sedectur mentioned that the 2020 target will be the same amount for this period.
The press conference held on Monday was also Guillermo Romero Rodríguez, president of the Hotels and Motels Commission of Concanaco Servytur Mexico, who congratulated the work done by the current municipal government, and for positioning the “Mazatlan” brand nationwide and international.
Source: pmxportal
The Mazatlan Post