Snowfall leads to the closure of several key roadways in the state of Durango


Guanaceví, Durango — Continued snowfall has led to the closure of several key roadways in the state of Durango with more snow in the forecast.

Several state highways, including the Durango-Mazatlan highway, saw road closures as more snow fell in the municipality of Guanacevi. La Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil (CEPC) Durango reported that on Thursday morning, fell snow in Ciénega de la Vaca in the municipality of Guanaceví, making it the ninth municipality to record snow this year.

The state government indicated that they continue to monitor the 39 municipalities for weather conditions derived from Cold Front No. 27, the fifth winter storm of the season, which has caused the snowfall in nine municipalities.

La Coordinación Estatal de Protección Civil Durango explained that the municipalities where snow has fallen include Tepehuanes, San Dimas, Santiago Papasquiaro, Canatlán, Nuevo Ideal, Canelas, Otáez, Guanaceví,and Pueblo Nuevo.

The agency says that 286 shelters throughout the state have been made available for contingencies due to the snowfall, however to date, they have not been put into use. Civil Protection says excessive snow has fallen in the municipalities of Tepehuanes in towns of Buenos Aires, Ciénega de Frailes, Potrerillos, El Huacal, El Conejo, Mesa de Navar, Potrero de Chaires, El Refugio, San Pedro de Pesadores, Cebollín, San Miguel de Lobos, San Juan, Tarahumara, La Toscosa, Ciénega de Caballos, Yerbabuena and El Zaistle.

La ComisiĂłn Nacional del Agua (Conagua) reports freezing temperatures will continue for north and western Mexico with more snow likely for the mountain areas of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Durango and Nuevo LeĂłn.

Source: RMN