McDonald’s closes its doors in Campeche along with other franchises


A few weeks ago a branch was assaulted with its employees inside

A couple of months ago the branches of the McDonalds hamburger restaurant in the municipality of Carmen closed their doors, today through social networks they made official the final closure in Campeche although from A few weeks ago they had already closed their only branch in the capital city located in the Ah Kim Pech area.

There were even those who speculated change of address, as happened with their BK competition, since being in the heart of the mentioned commercial area, they are now located but on the Malecon of the City, one of the main commercialization areas in San Francisco de Campeche, but with the message of this day, they made official their exit from functions in the state.

It is worth mentioning that even a few weeks ago, the McDonalds restaurant was assaulted with its employees even inside the restaurant, leaving them inside the moored toilets.

Applebee’s and Italianni’s will also close their doors in Campeche

Resultado de imagen para Applebee's e Italianni's también cerrarán sus puertas en Campeche

It is due to the low economic fluidity in the city

Applebee’s and Italianni’s, the first located on the boardwalk in the city and the second in the Galerias shopping plaza, to be three chain-type food establishments, which leave functions in Campeche due to the low economic fluidity in the city .

Both establishments leave approximately 50 employees out of work, including waiters, receptionists, cashiers, pinches, cooks and delivery people, while McDonald’s leaves approximately 15 workers unemployed who in 2020 will seek to start from scratch again, with economic growth of country of zero percent according to the Ministry of Economy and at least 4.6 percent at the entity level according to the National Institute of Statistics, Geography, and Informatics (Inegi).

It should be mentioned that the Government of the State of Campeche since the administration of Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas, opted for the creation of self-employment as well as entrepreneurship, an activity that does not leave the same recruitment of jobs, as well as the spilling of income to the State in taxes.

Contrary to McDonald’s that issued a brief farewell message on social networks, the restaurants that today announced their departure have not given information about it, especially in the case of Applebee’s being part of the franchises in possession of the Southeast Energy Group (GES ), corporate property of the family of Spanish origin Mouriño Terrazo.

Source: la jornada maya

The Mazatlan Post