The Cuauhtémoc Blanco case puts Morena in a difficult position


Alarm bells have gone off in Morena. The Cuauhtémoc Blanco case is no longer just a legal crisis, but a political bomb about to explode in the San Lázaro plenary session.

The Investigative Section already saved him once, with the votes of like-minded deputies, but now the issue has escalated: 500 representatives will have to take a stand, and their votes will be made public. And there’s something that particularly worries the members of Morena and the so-called 4T: 251 of those legislators are women.

The group of female representatives—including many from Morena—has strengthened. Tired of protecting unsavory individuals, fed up with the double standard, they demand that the attempted rape case for which Cuauhtémoc Blanco is accused be thoroughly reviewed. And that there be no impunity under the cloak of immunity.

Morena’s leadership knows that win or lose, nothing good is coming out of this situation. If they manage to shield Blanco, they will be branded as cover-ups. If they fail, the party’s internal fracture will be exposed, along with the indignation of a female caucus unwilling to swallow any more lies.

The 4T promised to be different. But in Cuauhtémoc Blanco’s case, it seems more concerned with protecting fallen idols than with standing with women.

Source: El_Universal_Mx

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