Human remains found in the home of a former official from the Cuauhtémoc Blanco administration


Human remains and bones were found inside the home of a former official from the Cuauhtémoc Blanco administration.

The Morelos Anti-Corruption Prosecutor’s Office found human remains and blood in the home of Dionicio Álvarez, a former official in the Cuauhtémoc Blanco administration in Morelos, located in Cuautla.

The discovery was made during a search conducted in coordination with the Morelos Specialized Prosecutor’s Office for Combating Corruption (FECC).

Authorities detailed that containers containing human skulls, machetes, and even crucifixes that gave the appearance of an altar were found at the home.

Dionicio Álvarez has been under arrest since March 12, as he is accused of participating in corruption crimes.

It is believed that the man was conducting satanic rituals at the property, but that is unofficial information.

Source: OEM

Morelos Daily Post