American influencer Alysha Burney dies in Cabo San Lucas

RIP Alysha Burney

Alysha Burney, a social media influencer and budding comedian with over 5 million followers across InstagramTikTok, and YouTube, tragically died in Mexico on Sunday (Mar. 2)—just 1 day before her 25th birthday.

Burney’s family to Fox 4 KC that the Kansas City native passed away from an asthma attack suffered in her sleep. Her social media presence, Her social fame, and her large following were what compelled her brother Charles to dispel rumors about her cause of death.

“She does not do drugs. She was a self-loving and happy individual who cherished her life and was looking forward to the upcoming year’s plans. She was in Mexico to celebrate her birthday. She was a very classy young woman,” he explained.

He noted to Fox 4 KC, “There’s a spread of misinformation online, stating different things based on speculation. These sources lack credibility and should not be believed. My sister did not engage in environments that would lead to such situations.” Charles was with his sister in Mexico when she died.

Burney had her own production company, had released four projects on her YouTube channel, and had dreams of becoming a writer/director who’d return to her hometown and mentor others. Her latest film, Hot Girl Getaway, can be viewed below.

“She was not selfish with her knowledge and was a very open book about her journey,” her brother expressed. “She will always be dearly loved, and her legacy will live on forever. Alysha was very goal-oriented, creative, and passionate about giving back. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Digital Media Production and was working towards her graduate degree.”

The Cabo Post team sends its deepest condolences to Alysha’s family and friends.

Source: VIBE

The Cabo Post