One of the 10 most wanted criminals in Chihuahua and Texas is arrested in Durango


“El Sobrino”, one of the 10 most wanted in Chihuahua and Texas, is captured in Durango.

Leonel “N” had an arrest warrant for the crime of aggravated kidnapping; and is linked to the Sinaloa Cartel.

One of the 10 most wanted alleged criminals in Texas and Chihuahua was captured by Mexican federal authorities.

Leonel “N”, alias “El Sobrino”, 34 years old, was arrested in Durango along with two of his collaborators. This alleged criminal is pointed out as the leader of the Los Cabrera group, with human trafficking and drug trafficking operations in the area of ​​​​Valle de Juárez, Chihuahua.

In addition, this group, reported the Security Cabinet, works in favor of the Sinaloa Cartel.

Along with “El Sobrino”, Alicia “N”, 30 years old, was arrested; and Tereso “N”, 57. The three were found carrying firearms and drugs, so the detainees and the seized items were placed at the disposal of the federal Public Prosecutor’s Office, reported the authorities in charge of the operation.

“El Sobrino” was listed as the third most wanted by the border authorities of Texas and Chihuahua, in addition to having an arrest warrant for aggravated kidnapping in Mexico.

According to the Security Cabinet, the arrest and investigation of the case occurs within the framework of the search for alleged criminals wanted on both sides of the border.

Source: OEM

The Chihuahua Post