The states of Chihuahua, Mexico and Colorado, USA strenghten ties


Representatives of the Municipal Government of Chihuahua, COPARMEX, businessmen, and universities of the capital met with authorities of Pueblo, Colorado to strengthen the collaboration between both sister cities.

This effort promotes an exchange of programs in key areas such as security, talent development, and economic growth.

During the visit, the director of Economic Development and Competitiveness, José Jordán, representing Mayor Marco Bonilla, held a meeting with Mayor Heather Graham. At the meeting, the progress made in recent years was reviewed and possible joint projects for the future were discussed.

Thanks to the collaboration with institutions such as Colorado State University Pueblo, Pueblo Community College, and the Instituto Superior de Seguridad Chihuahua (ISSCUU), academic exchange has been promoted, strengthening the training of security forces and firefighters. These actions seek to expand skills, generate talent, and open development opportunities for both cities.

In terms of public security, Chihuahua has integrated advanced technologies, such as personal protection equipment, facial recognition systems, and modern patrol cars, to reinforce the tranquility of citizens. Through this exchange, strategies and tools have been shared to improve citizen protection.

One of the key pillars of this collaboration is the support of the Pueblo Economic Development Corporation (PEDCO), which promotes industrial exchange between both cities. Chihuahua, with its leadership in advanced manufacturing and the aerospace sector, and Pueblo, Colorado, recognized for its innovation in renewable energy, find investment opportunities by complementing their strengths.

During the visit, the Director of Economic Development of Chihuahua highlighted the vision and effort of Mr. Carlos Maldonado, who was key in the creation of this pact more than 34 years ago. He also recognized the role of COPARMEX Chihuahua in the continuity of these collaborative efforts.

The Municipal Government of Chihuahua reaffirms its commitment to continue working hand in hand with Pueblo, Colorado, in the search for greater progress, education, security, and economic development for both communities.


The Chihuahua Post