More than 60% of Sonora’s territory is in extreme drought

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More than 60% of Sonora is in extreme to extraordinary drought

Specialists analyze the impact of water shortages and the work that is required to solve this situation.

Drought in Sonora is a very serious problem. Dam storage levels are at a minimum, and the state is experiencing a fairly severe drought period.

In the first week of February 2025, more than 60% of Sonora’s territory is in a condition of extreme to extraordinary drought, the two most critical, so experts say that water works must be applied to contribute to the water supply.

Nicolás Pineda Pablos, a researcher specializing in natural resources and member of the water committee of the Hermosillo association and of the Colegio de Sonora, indicated that the Sonora Water Plan has positive aspects, however it is necessary to reinforce the issue of culture in the care of water in the face of the problem that is presented, since despite the efforts, greater action must be taken.

He explained that an important aspect that is also required is to address the issue with the City Councils and the State Government so that water plans can be issued to jointly address the situation of the lack of water and to call for long-term planning.

“At the end of the day, all the information that is released by the authorities on works to improve the water supply is good, especially when a more complicated situation is approaching due to the lack of rain that affects the urban area and agricultural and livestock production,” he said.

The Drought Monitor in Mexico, dependent on the National Water Commission (Conagua) consists of a report that contains a description of the drought in the country, tables and graphs of the percentage of area affected by drought at the national level with information from 13 River Basin Organizations and 26 River Basin Councils, in addition to the accounting of municipalities affected by any category of drought.

In its latest report published on February 4, it establishes that most of Sonora is in conditions of extreme drought and severe drought, with some areas reaching the level of exceptional drought, which indicates a critical situation for the availability of water in the region.

“The problem of drought in Sonora is nothing new, and the expectations of rain each summer are high”, added Pineda Pablos.

Of the 72 Sonoran municipalities, five are in the extraordinary index (D4, the highest), 48 in extreme (D3) and the rest in severe (D2), according to the monitor data.

Among the municipalities in extreme conditions is the Municipality of Hermosillo, whose dam is at 0% capacity and is supplied with water from the aquifers, and the El Novillo dam, located in the south of the state and with a current storage of 16%.

In this regard, Nicolás Pineda Pablo, said that in the case of Hermosillo, much more than programs are required, also a plan of economic resources to address the entire situation of rehabilitation of wells, hydraulic network and installation of meters, for the measurement of supply with more than 60 thousand intakes, however, for all this, economic resources are required that can be approved by the State Congress.

“Another situation that arises from the lack of water is the forest fires that affect the cattle’s food, hoping that in the coming months, the situation will improve,” said the expert.

In addition, according to Conagua monitoring, the impact of the drought in Sonora is long-term, affecting not only agriculture and livestock, but also the hydrology and ecology of the state.

Source: OEM

The Sonora Post