Price of the traffic fines in Mexico


The Guadalajara Post informs its readers of the traffic fines that are already in effect (prices in Mexican pesos):

1.- For parking on the Yellow Line $715.00
2.- Parking in an exclusive area for Firefighters $3,440.00
3.- Parking in a double row $3,440.00
4.- For blocking a garage $1,136.00
5.- Parking on the sidewalk $3,440.00
6.- Parking in spaces designated for people with disabilities $3,440.00
7.- Abandoning a vehicle due to mechanical failure $2,048.00
8.- Repairing vehicles on public roads $2,048.00
9.- Placing objects outside our house to reserve a parking space, $2,389.80
10.- Parking at a street intersection $715.00
11.- Circulating with lights off after 7 PM $2,799.48
12.- Using or driving with headlights other than the factory ones $2,048.00
13.- Driving without brake lights $4,779.60
14.- Broken or cracked windshield that hinders visibility $2,779.48
15.- Not having windshield wipers $1,024.20
16.- Not having rearview or side mirrors $1,024.20
17.- Not having tires in good condition $1,024.20
18 – Carrying speed bumps or bull bars $2,040.40
19.- Driving with a vehicle in poor mechanical condition $1,024.20
20.- Not having a fire extinguisher $682.80
21.- Not carrying a spare tire $1,024.20

Drive safely!

Source: OEM

The Guadalajara Post