The three main dams in Nuevo León have reached 100% of their water storage capacity

Presa La Boca (Nuevo Leon)

The La Boca dam in the municipality of Santiago is 100% full.

Thanks to the recent heavy rains in the metropolitan area of ​​Monterrey, the reservoir has reached its maximum capacity, and the water reaches the boardwalk, where visitors stop to observe the impressive panorama.

During the weekend, the three dams in Nuevo León reached 100% of their storage capacity, and this Monday, October 21, La Boca woke up with 38.74 million cubic meters of water, representing 102.05 percent of its maximum ordinary storage level.

The boardwalk, which is usually a pedestrian walkway, was cordoned off by the workers of the place to avoid incidents since the water has exceeded the usual limits.

Despite this, the area has become a point of attraction for walkers who, regardless of the time, enjoy the landscape, the sound of the water, and the fresh atmosphere left by the rain.

Whole families, couples, tourists, and even fishing enthusiasts come to the place to take photos, walk along the boardwalk and admire the dam in all its splendor.

Among the visitors, one citizen decided to take advantage of the day with his rods to practice fishing, enjoying the moment in tranquility next to the body of water.

Despite the preventive discharges that have been carried out due to the high levels, La Boca continues to capture everyone’s attention.

For many, the dam is now a symbol of hope in the middle of a rainy season that has brought relief to the drought that affected the region.

Source: El Mañana

Monterrey Daily Post