Morelos Ex-Governor Cuauhtémoc Blanco is accused by his half-sister of attempted rape

Cuauhtemoc Blanco

According to Nidia Fabiola’s complaint, another half-brother, Ulises Bravo Molina, currently president of Morena in Morelos, also participated in the attack.

CUERNAVACA, MORELOS. (apro).– The former governor of Morelos, Cuauhtémoc Blanco Bravo, was accused before the Attorney General’s Office of attempted rape by his half-sister, Nidia Fabiola, who also accused the other half-brother, Ulises Bravo Molina, acting president of Morena in Morelos, in her complaint.

The complaint was made public on Thursday, October 10th, the details were only known until this Friday, when the cover of the complaint filed a few days ago was leaked and was recorded in the investigation file SC01/9583/2024 of the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Morelos, headed by Uriel Carmona Gándara.

The statement made by the victim could entail other crimes. It is known that Nidia Fabiola worked in the administration of the former soccer player since March 2019, with a position in the Secretariat of Economic Development and Labor. This could also constitute nepotism. The sexual assault would have occurred when Cuauhtémoc Blanco was still in the Morelos governorship, that is, before September 1, when he left office to take office as a federal deputy.

According to the victim’s statements, the events occurred in the Official Residence Casa Morelos itself, the headquarters of the head of the Executive Branch. According to the complaint, both brothers were involved in the attack, as both are named in the statement. The victim remained silent because, during the Blanco Bravo administration, she remained in her position.

In other words, to stop her from reporting the events, the victim was pressured to remain silent, under the threat that if she spoke, she would be removed from her position. This stopped her reporting, although, at the end of the administration, this impediment also ended. The administration ended on September 30, so the victim immediately filed the complaint.

This is not the only complaint in which Blanco Bravo was involved. Since the middle of his administration, it was learned that the Financial Intelligence Unit of the Treasury Department had started an investigation for misappropriation of resources against the former soccer player, several of his closest relatives, and collaborators. In addition, at the beginning of 2022, a Mexico City newspaper presented several photographs showing a smiling Blanco Bravo accompanied by the main drug trafficking leaders in Morelos.

It would not be the first time that Casa Morelos, the official residence of the Morelos Executive, is mentioned in acts of gender violence. During the birthday party of the former soccer player, in 2019, his brother Ulises Bravo brutally beat up the mother of his daughter, a woman named Liu León, who filed a complaint for these events, but it was dismissed last May.

Source: Proceso

Morelos Daily Post